We had another beautiful day here on the fort. The temps started off rather chilly this morning, but by afternoon it was quite pleasant to be outside. When John and I got through with our morning exercise, we ate breakfast and then took care of some chores around the house. John worked outside in the yard cleaning up small branches that came down during Monday's wind storm and trimming mistletoe from the mesquite trees. I made some phone calls, worked on finances, and cleaned out a few files.
This afternoon was couples' golf, so after eating an early lunch, we headed down to the clubhouse. Today we were paired up with George and Kathy. George is over 80 years old, but he can swing a golf club like a pro. As usual, we played a best ball scramble and our foursome tied for second place with the Bridger's and Paul E. We got home in time for some supper and then John headed off to woodcarvers while I spent the evening watching a few favorite shows we recorded earlier.
We have started this blog to keep family and friends updated with news and photos about our lives in both Minnesota and Texas. We hope you will check in often and enjoy sharing our experiences.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
John and I were both up and out a little earlier than usual for our morning exercise. The temps were a little on the cool side and the winds returned again today although not as strong as they were on Monday.
After breakfast, John headed down to the clubhouse for his men's golf. Due to the winds and cooler temps, only five guys showed up today. He played with Jerry and Tim and they shot even par. While John was gone, I continued sorting through more boxes and crates and managed to fill several boxes with no longer needed items to take to the church for the annual boutique give away.
This afternoon John saw Tim, John, and John's daughter, Christine, go by our house on their way to the third hole. He decided to play more golf and hurried out to catch up with them. I opted to skip the golf and stayed home to work on finances and get the desktop cleaned off. It hadn't been seen for several weeks. This evening we went to Bible Study at the church and then spent the remainder of the night watching several shows we recorded with the DVR.
After breakfast, John headed down to the clubhouse for his men's golf. Due to the winds and cooler temps, only five guys showed up today. He played with Jerry and Tim and they shot even par. While John was gone, I continued sorting through more boxes and crates and managed to fill several boxes with no longer needed items to take to the church for the annual boutique give away.
This afternoon John saw Tim, John, and John's daughter, Christine, go by our house on their way to the third hole. He decided to play more golf and hurried out to catch up with them. I opted to skip the golf and stayed home to work on finances and get the desktop cleaned off. It hadn't been seen for several weeks. This evening we went to Bible Study at the church and then spent the remainder of the night watching several shows we recorded with the DVR.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
As I took my morning walk, I saw some damage from yesterday's high winds. There were many branches on the ground as well as garbage cans and other objects where they don't normally belong.
The morning started off on the cold side at 32 degrees, so I decided to skip the women's golf. Actually, none of the walkers showed up due to the chill. John and I spent the morning working out in the shed sorting through some crates and boxes and trying to decide what we can get rid of and what needs to be kept. Paul called right before lunch and asked if we would like to play some golf, so after a quick meal, we headed off to meet him at the clubhouse. John dropped me off at home after we played nine holes because I needed to get started on a casserole for this evening's potluck supper at the RV park. He then rejoined Paul and they went on to play a few more holes.
There was a pretty small crowd this evening--seems like many of the folks received out of town company today. John stayed for the meal and then came home to listen to Sam's basketball game via computer. I stayed to play cards and then Tim and Mary Ellen gave me a ride home. We watched a little TV before calling it a day.
The morning started off on the cold side at 32 degrees, so I decided to skip the women's golf. Actually, none of the walkers showed up due to the chill. John and I spent the morning working out in the shed sorting through some crates and boxes and trying to decide what we can get rid of and what needs to be kept. Paul called right before lunch and asked if we would like to play some golf, so after a quick meal, we headed off to meet him at the clubhouse. John dropped me off at home after we played nine holes because I needed to get started on a casserole for this evening's potluck supper at the RV park. He then rejoined Paul and they went on to play a few more holes.
There was a pretty small crowd this evening--seems like many of the folks received out of town company today. John stayed for the meal and then came home to listen to Sam's basketball game via computer. I stayed to play cards and then Tim and Mary Ellen gave me a ride home. We watched a little TV before calling it a day.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Both my walk and John's bike ride were canceled this morning due to 30 mph winds that hung around the entire day. The winds were so strong that they gave up watering the golf course as the water was either blowing away or evaporating before it hit and ground.
Following breakfast, John headed over to Wallace's for woodcarving. I spent the morning working on the laundry and making phone calls to our accountant and making reservations for the winter Texan event in Uvalde next week.
When John got home from carving we decided to head over to Del Rio for some birthday cards and a few groceries. So much dust was blowing across the highway it was hard to see the road at times. Since it was well after lunch time when we reached Del Rio, our first stop was Wendy's for a bite to eat. From there we hit the mall for a little shopping and then made a final stop at Wal Mart for cards and groceries. One good thing about the wind, it kept folks home and Wal Mart wasn't too crowded. When we reached Bracketville, we swung by the post office and found a big closed sign across the doors. Seems the wind blew the roof off the overhang on the front of the building and they had a tractor parked on top of the tin on the ground to keep it from blowing away. We assume the post office will be opened again tomorrow once they removed the debris from in front of the building.
After resting a little from our trip to Del Rio, John and I headed over to the RV park where the Art Studio folks were serving a beef bar-b-Que meal as a fund raiser. There were also many fine paintings available through a silent auction. Toward the end of the auction the bidding was fast and furious. We ended our day watching The Biggest Loser and some college basketball. March Madness is coming soon and John can hardly wait for it to begin. It will be wall to wall college basketball.
Following breakfast, John headed over to Wallace's for woodcarving. I spent the morning working on the laundry and making phone calls to our accountant and making reservations for the winter Texan event in Uvalde next week.
When John got home from carving we decided to head over to Del Rio for some birthday cards and a few groceries. So much dust was blowing across the highway it was hard to see the road at times. Since it was well after lunch time when we reached Del Rio, our first stop was Wendy's for a bite to eat. From there we hit the mall for a little shopping and then made a final stop at Wal Mart for cards and groceries. One good thing about the wind, it kept folks home and Wal Mart wasn't too crowded. When we reached Bracketville, we swung by the post office and found a big closed sign across the doors. Seems the wind blew the roof off the overhang on the front of the building and they had a tractor parked on top of the tin on the ground to keep it from blowing away. We assume the post office will be opened again tomorrow once they removed the debris from in front of the building.
After resting a little from our trip to Del Rio, John and I headed over to the RV park where the Art Studio folks were serving a beef bar-b-Que meal as a fund raiser. There were also many fine paintings available through a silent auction. Toward the end of the auction the bidding was fast and furious. We ended our day watching The Biggest Loser and some college basketball. March Madness is coming soon and John can hardly wait for it to begin. It will be wall to wall college basketball.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
As I was taking my morning walk I noticed several signs that Spring is coming to south Texas--the Mountain Laural is beginning to bloom, several trees are starting to bud, and the male turkeys are all puffed up and strutting around trying to impress the hens.
It was the normal Sunday morning routine for us. Following church, John and I ate a quick lunch and then headed down to the clubhouse where we met up with Rodger and Tootie for a round of golf. After we golfed nine holes with them, we decided to do a few more holes before calling it a day. We were home just in time to change clothes and head into church for a quick business meeting. Since we didn't have enough time to grab some supper before the meeting, we stopped at Subway and picked up a sub. We ended our day watching some TV.
It was the normal Sunday morning routine for us. Following church, John and I ate a quick lunch and then headed down to the clubhouse where we met up with Rodger and Tootie for a round of golf. After we golfed nine holes with them, we decided to do a few more holes before calling it a day. We were home just in time to change clothes and head into church for a quick business meeting. Since we didn't have enough time to grab some supper before the meeting, we stopped at Subway and picked up a sub. We ended our day watching some TV.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
We had another beautiful day here is south Texas with bright sunny skies and low humidity. Our day started off as usual with my walk and John's bike ride and then we headed over to the RV park for the Saturday morning breakfast. We visited with Wallace and Gerald while we ate and then headed home to get cleaned up.
Since this afternoon was the end of month golf tournament, John and I played nine holes this morning. Following lunch, I did a few things around the house while John cleaned the windows in the Honda and washed the golf cart. A little before 3 p.m. we headed back over to the RV park. This was the starting point for the progressive dinner with everyone traveling place to place in their golf carts. There were approximately 40 carts with over 70 people in attendance. We traveled on the back trails to a spot under a huge like oak tree for the appetizers. From there we drove to the camp ground for our salad and then back to the RV park for the main course of ham, mixed vegtables, and baked potatoes. The desserts where severed in the old amphitheater where Huddy Hudson entertained the group with a few old Texas songs. Everyone outdid themselves preparing the different courses and we certainly had plenty to eat. Thanks to John and Theresa for all their hard work putting the dinner together and giving everyone such a fun time.
Since this afternoon was the end of month golf tournament, John and I played nine holes this morning. Following lunch, I did a few things around the house while John cleaned the windows in the Honda and washed the golf cart. A little before 3 p.m. we headed back over to the RV park. This was the starting point for the progressive dinner with everyone traveling place to place in their golf carts. There were approximately 40 carts with over 70 people in attendance. We traveled on the back trails to a spot under a huge like oak tree for the appetizers. From there we drove to the camp ground for our salad and then back to the RV park for the main course of ham, mixed vegtables, and baked potatoes. The desserts where severed in the old amphitheater where Huddy Hudson entertained the group with a few old Texas songs. Everyone outdid themselves preparing the different courses and we certainly had plenty to eat. Thanks to John and Theresa for all their hard work putting the dinner together and giving everyone such a fun time.
Folks gathering at the RV Park
John and Theresa giving directions
Carts getting lined up
Everyone heading to the first course
Driving off to the back trails
Heading out for the salad course
Enjoying the good salad and sticky buns
Enjoying the main course at the RV Park
Friday, February 22, 2013
After having strong gusty winds blow through our area the last couple of days, today's gentler breezes were greatly appreciated. It was a beautiful morning with milder temps when we left the house for my walk and John's bike ride. John feels he's just about ready to get back to walking and might give it a try tomorrow.
After breakfast, John went to town and made a stop at the post office to pick up our mail. There he found a CD from Matt showing one of Sam's basketball games and spent the remainder of the morning watching the game on the computer. I took care of some laundry and then headed into town for a haircut. After lunch we met Rodger and Tootie at the clubhouse for a round of golf. Tim M. was playing alone, so we invited him to join our group. This evening I made some chocolate chip cookies for tomorrow's progressive dinner and then we spent the remainder of the evening watching some TV.
After breakfast, John went to town and made a stop at the post office to pick up our mail. There he found a CD from Matt showing one of Sam's basketball games and spent the remainder of the morning watching the game on the computer. I took care of some laundry and then headed into town for a haircut. After lunch we met Rodger and Tootie at the clubhouse for a round of golf. Tim M. was playing alone, so we invited him to join our group. This evening I made some chocolate chip cookies for tomorrow's progressive dinner and then we spent the remainder of the evening watching some TV.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
This morning the temps were once again on the warm side, but the strong winds continued throughout the day. Both John and I managed to get our morning exercise routines done even though it was tough going at times with gusts of 20 mph.
Since couple's golf was this afternoon, we decided to brave the wind and play nine holes this morning. Several times the ball blew off the tee before I could hit it and some putts were slowed down, but we still had a good time playing.
This afternoon John washed the Honda while I made some rolls and then we relaxed a little watching some TV and reading. John left for woodcarvers right after supper and I spent my evening working on the computer and watching a couple favorite TV shows. It was a pretty quiet day.
Since couple's golf was this afternoon, we decided to brave the wind and play nine holes this morning. Several times the ball blew off the tee before I could hit it and some putts were slowed down, but we still had a good time playing.
This afternoon John washed the Honda while I made some rolls and then we relaxed a little watching some TV and reading. John left for woodcarvers right after supper and I spent my evening working on the computer and watching a couple favorite TV shows. It was a pretty quiet day.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It was cloudy with misting this morning so our walk and bike ride were canceled which meant we could sleep in for an extra hour or so. We then enjoyed a nice leisurely breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast.
Golfers are like the US Mail. Nothing stops them from playing and that was the case this morning. Eight guys showed up to play in the wet and mud, so they formed two teams of four. John's team shot par while the other was three under. The best part of the morning was Ralph R. playing after celebrating his 90th birthday yesterday.
While John was gone, I did some organizing around the house and worked on the computer. Since the weather was still wet when he returned home, we decided to go to Del Rio. It was well after lunch time when we arrived, so our first stop was Wendy's for a bite to eat. From there we hit the mall for a little shopping and then made a final stop at HEB for a few groceries. We ran into Sam L. in the checkout line and spent a few minutes visiting with him and catching up on what he's been doing.
Once we were back home and got the groceries put away, we relaxed while watching the evening news and eating a light snack. We were out of bread, so I started on another loaf while John took a walk around the driving range. The remainder of the evening was pretty quiet and spent watching Survivor and a few other favorite TV shows.
Golfers are like the US Mail. Nothing stops them from playing and that was the case this morning. Eight guys showed up to play in the wet and mud, so they formed two teams of four. John's team shot par while the other was three under. The best part of the morning was Ralph R. playing after celebrating his 90th birthday yesterday.
While John was gone, I did some organizing around the house and worked on the computer. Since the weather was still wet when he returned home, we decided to go to Del Rio. It was well after lunch time when we arrived, so our first stop was Wendy's for a bite to eat. From there we hit the mall for a little shopping and then made a final stop at HEB for a few groceries. We ran into Sam L. in the checkout line and spent a few minutes visiting with him and catching up on what he's been doing.
Once we were back home and got the groceries put away, we relaxed while watching the evening news and eating a light snack. We were out of bread, so I started on another loaf while John took a walk around the driving range. The remainder of the evening was pretty quiet and spent watching Survivor and a few other favorite TV shows.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The cold weather returned today with cloudy skies and wind. It was back to long pants, winter hats, and gloves for our morning exercise.
Following breakfast, I headed down to the clubhouse for ladies' golf.
Only five gals showed up so we all played together. It was a little on the chilly side when we started out, but as we walked the course and began playing, it didn't take too long to get warmed up. I had a pretty good round this morning and actually made par on one of the longer holes. Late this morning, John met up with Paul, Tim, and John B. for 18 holes of golf. His group was just starting out on the course as mine was finishing up.
This afternoon we rested up after golfing and then headed over to Ralph's place to wish him happy birthday. Today he turned 90. Our original plan was to have a campfire and refreshments to celebrate his big day, but the weather didn't co-operate. We skipped the RV potluck this evening, but went over after the meal to play cards.
Following breakfast, I headed down to the clubhouse for ladies' golf.
Only five gals showed up so we all played together. It was a little on the chilly side when we started out, but as we walked the course and began playing, it didn't take too long to get warmed up. I had a pretty good round this morning and actually made par on one of the longer holes. Late this morning, John met up with Paul, Tim, and John B. for 18 holes of golf. His group was just starting out on the course as mine was finishing up.
This afternoon we rested up after golfing and then headed over to Ralph's place to wish him happy birthday. Today he turned 90. Our original plan was to have a campfire and refreshments to celebrate his big day, but the weather didn't co-operate. We skipped the RV potluck this evening, but went over after the meal to play cards.
Monday, February 18, 2013
After very cold temps the last couple of mornings, today it was 60 degrees when we left the house for the our walk and bike ride. It felt good to shed the winter hats and gloves.
Following breakfast, John headed off to wood carvers and I tackled the laundry that had piled up over the past week. We had made plans to play a round of golf with Rodger and Tootie this afternoon, so around 2 p.m. we headed down to the clubhouse. Before we left, Stan dropped in to pick up some photos he needed for this week's newspaper. Though it was a beautiful afternoon, the winds were pretty strong which made playing some holes a lot of fun as the ball would carry much longer distances. However, just the opposite was true when the wind was in our face.
Since we were a little later getting off the course, we decided to run into town and pick up a sub for supper. We then spent a quiet evening watching some TV and working on the computer.
Following breakfast, John headed off to wood carvers and I tackled the laundry that had piled up over the past week. We had made plans to play a round of golf with Rodger and Tootie this afternoon, so around 2 p.m. we headed down to the clubhouse. Before we left, Stan dropped in to pick up some photos he needed for this week's newspaper. Though it was a beautiful afternoon, the winds were pretty strong which made playing some holes a lot of fun as the ball would carry much longer distances. However, just the opposite was true when the wind was in our face.
Since we were a little later getting off the course, we decided to run into town and pick up a sub for supper. We then spent a quiet evening watching some TV and working on the computer.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
The clear skies overnight keep the temps on the chilly side once again, but at least we didn't have any frost. I took my usual walk while John road bike and took a short one.
It was the usual Sunday morning routine for us before heading off to church. This afternoon we were suppose to play a round of golf with Tootie and Rodger, but it was very windy so they opted out until tomorrow. Stan Metcalf stopped in just as we were finishing lunch and stayed to visit for an hour or so catching us up on the different happenings around the fort. When he left, John and I decided to play some golf--the temps were very pleasant even though it was windy. We had a pretty good round, especially on the holes when the wind was at our backs.
Following a quick supper, John and I headed back to church for a quick meeting. Our pastor tendered his resignation effective August 1st and the meeting this evening was to inform the congregation and set in motion the search for a new pastor. The remainder of our night was spent watching The Amazing Race and a couple of other favorite TV shows.
It was the usual Sunday morning routine for us before heading off to church. This afternoon we were suppose to play a round of golf with Tootie and Rodger, but it was very windy so they opted out until tomorrow. Stan Metcalf stopped in just as we were finishing lunch and stayed to visit for an hour or so catching us up on the different happenings around the fort. When he left, John and I decided to play some golf--the temps were very pleasant even though it was windy. We had a pretty good round, especially on the holes when the wind was at our backs.
Following a quick supper, John and I headed back to church for a quick meeting. Our pastor tendered his resignation effective August 1st and the meeting this evening was to inform the congregation and set in motion the search for a new pastor. The remainder of our night was spent watching The Amazing Race and a couple of other favorite TV shows.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
There was a freeze last night with temps dipping down below 32 degrees. I was out a little before 7 a.m. for my walk and I could see the greens on the golf course were covered with frost. Hopefully last night was the last of the low overnight temps. While I was walking, John took a bike ride around the loop and then a short walk along the driving range.
Following breakfast, I made some brownies for tonight's gathering at the RV park and then we met up with John B., Paul E. and Tim M. at the clubhouse. We had to be done play before 1 p.m. because a tournament was being held this afternoon. John and I decided to let the three guys play together while we followed behind so we could get off the course in time.
This afternoon we were relaxing watching a couple of recorded TV shows when Gene, Jeanne, Rodger, and Tootie stopped in on their way to the driving range. John went with them, but I opted out since I didn't want to swing a club anymore today. After they left, we headed over to Unit 37 to see Dave and Valada. Charlene and Wiley were already there, so we all sat out on the patio and enjoyed a nice visit.
John and I got home just in time for a quick supper before heading over to the RV park to see Mary Ellen's latest historical movie about Fort Clark. As usual, she did an excellent job of bringing the history of the fort to life and we all learned a lot more about the place we call home for part of the year. We ended the evening with some refreshments and visiting.
Following breakfast, I made some brownies for tonight's gathering at the RV park and then we met up with John B., Paul E. and Tim M. at the clubhouse. We had to be done play before 1 p.m. because a tournament was being held this afternoon. John and I decided to let the three guys play together while we followed behind so we could get off the course in time.
This afternoon we were relaxing watching a couple of recorded TV shows when Gene, Jeanne, Rodger, and Tootie stopped in on their way to the driving range. John went with them, but I opted out since I didn't want to swing a club anymore today. After they left, we headed over to Unit 37 to see Dave and Valada. Charlene and Wiley were already there, so we all sat out on the patio and enjoyed a nice visit.
John and I got home just in time for a quick supper before heading over to the RV park to see Mary Ellen's latest historical movie about Fort Clark. As usual, she did an excellent job of bringing the history of the fort to life and we all learned a lot more about the place we call home for part of the year. We ended the evening with some refreshments and visiting.
Friday, February 15, 2013
We had a cold day with temps only reaching the low 60's and clouds hanging around until late in the day. John and I both had to bundle up for our morning exercise.
Right after breakfast, John headed over to Paul's to help Gene put grips on his golf clubs. While he was gone, I made some bread and took care of a few household chores. Since the bread came out of the oven right at lunch time and was too hot to eat, we decided to head down to Burger and Shake. We ended up eating with John Carlson, Jim and Deb T., and John and Theresa B.
When we got back home, we bundled up and headed down to the clubhouse to meet up with Rodger and Tootie for nine holes of golf.
Even though it was a little on the chilly side, we all played a pretty good round. John continues to just chip and putt. We saw Paul and John B. on the course right ahead of us and they asked John and I to play a few extra holes with them when Rodger and Tootie left for home.
This evening I met Tootie and Jeanne at Bingo while John stayed home and watched some college basketball. Tomorrow promises to be another busy day.
Right after breakfast, John headed over to Paul's to help Gene put grips on his golf clubs. While he was gone, I made some bread and took care of a few household chores. Since the bread came out of the oven right at lunch time and was too hot to eat, we decided to head down to Burger and Shake. We ended up eating with John Carlson, Jim and Deb T., and John and Theresa B.
When we got back home, we bundled up and headed down to the clubhouse to meet up with Rodger and Tootie for nine holes of golf.
Even though it was a little on the chilly side, we all played a pretty good round. John continues to just chip and putt. We saw Paul and John B. on the course right ahead of us and they asked John and I to play a few extra holes with them when Rodger and Tootie left for home.
This evening I met Tootie and Jeanne at Bingo while John stayed home and watched some college basketball. Tomorrow promises to be another busy day.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The overnight temps have continued on the cold side. It was 36 degrees this morning, so I bundled up a little more for my walk. John rode his bike around the loop for his exercise. This seems to work for him right now as walking for exercise is not allowed yet.
Since this afternoon was couples' golf, John and I decided to play nine holes this morning. We had the course pretty much to ourselves--the only other golfers were Tim M. and Paul E. It was a perfect time to play as we didn't have to rush and could take a shot over if we didn't like the first one.
Following lunch, John headed over to Paul's to meet up with Rodger and Gene to put new grips on some of their golf clubs. John even put new grips on a couple of my clubs. I'm anxious to try them out tomorrow.
To celebrate Valentine's Day, Rodger and Tootie invited some folks over to their place for supper. Tootie prepared a delicious main course and the rest of us provided the vegetables, salad, breads, and dessert. As usual we had a fun time and enjoyed the evening.
Since this afternoon was couples' golf, John and I decided to play nine holes this morning. We had the course pretty much to ourselves--the only other golfers were Tim M. and Paul E. It was a perfect time to play as we didn't have to rush and could take a shot over if we didn't like the first one.
Following lunch, John headed over to Paul's to meet up with Rodger and Gene to put new grips on some of their golf clubs. John even put new grips on a couple of my clubs. I'm anxious to try them out tomorrow.
To celebrate Valentine's Day, Rodger and Tootie invited some folks over to their place for supper. Tootie prepared a delicious main course and the rest of us provided the vegetables, salad, breads, and dessert. As usual we had a fun time and enjoyed the evening.
Everyone enjoying a delicious meal
Another visitor to our Valentine's Dinner
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
This morning was nice and clear which meant colder temps. The thermometer showed 41 degrees when I left the house for my walk. It was back to a winter hat and mittens again. John rode his bike a little further this morning and then iced his knee when he returned home.
We ate a leisurely breakfast before getting cleaned up and heading out the door to Eagle Pass for my doctor's appointment. My appointment was scheduled for 11 a.m., but we didn't get in to see the doctor until after 12:30 p.m. The nurse apologized for the wait saying the doctor had to spend some extra time with several patients. The purpose of this visit was to get the results of the x-rays taken a month ago and determine a plan of treatment. Dr. Dennis showed John and me the x-rays explaining that one disc in my lower back is completely gone which causes pressure on the nerves, thus the pain after sitting for a while. I also have a great deal of arthritis in the same area and a bone bulging at one side in the lower spine. His recommendation is to have steroid injections to relieve pain and to kept walking for exercise--he also approved playing golf. The more activity, the better. As long as I can walk, which I do everyday, without pain, and pain doesn't go down my leg, then this is the best option for now. If the pain gets to a point where I can't walk or runs down my leg, then back surgery is the next step. I would have to go to San Antonio for the pain management injections, so I decided to wait until I return to Minnesota before pursuing any further treatment. He also agreed that was the best thing to do. I didn't want to get in the middle of treatment and then have to go home and try and get something set up there. I was able to get copies of my x-rays and his office will send me copies of all my records to take home. John and I felt good about the visit and the fact that we finally know what I'm dealing with and have a plan for treatment.
It was well after 1 p.m. by the time we left the medical center, so we stopped at Wendy's for some lunch and then headed to Wal Mart to pick up a few grocery items. Then it was a stop at the mall to get a birthday present with one more at HEB before hitting the road back to Brackettville. Hopefully this was the last of doctor's appointment for this
month--John and I are both tired of spending so much time in waiting rooms.
We ate a leisurely breakfast before getting cleaned up and heading out the door to Eagle Pass for my doctor's appointment. My appointment was scheduled for 11 a.m., but we didn't get in to see the doctor until after 12:30 p.m. The nurse apologized for the wait saying the doctor had to spend some extra time with several patients. The purpose of this visit was to get the results of the x-rays taken a month ago and determine a plan of treatment. Dr. Dennis showed John and me the x-rays explaining that one disc in my lower back is completely gone which causes pressure on the nerves, thus the pain after sitting for a while. I also have a great deal of arthritis in the same area and a bone bulging at one side in the lower spine. His recommendation is to have steroid injections to relieve pain and to kept walking for exercise--he also approved playing golf. The more activity, the better. As long as I can walk, which I do everyday, without pain, and pain doesn't go down my leg, then this is the best option for now. If the pain gets to a point where I can't walk or runs down my leg, then back surgery is the next step. I would have to go to San Antonio for the pain management injections, so I decided to wait until I return to Minnesota before pursuing any further treatment. He also agreed that was the best thing to do. I didn't want to get in the middle of treatment and then have to go home and try and get something set up there. I was able to get copies of my x-rays and his office will send me copies of all my records to take home. John and I felt good about the visit and the fact that we finally know what I'm dealing with and have a plan for treatment.
It was well after 1 p.m. by the time we left the medical center, so we stopped at Wendy's for some lunch and then headed to Wal Mart to pick up a few grocery items. Then it was a stop at the mall to get a birthday present with one more at HEB before hitting the road back to Brackettville. Hopefully this was the last of doctor's appointment for this
month--John and I are both tired of spending so much time in waiting rooms.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
John was finally able to get back to some outdoor exercising. This morning he rode his bike while I walked. The doctor told him bike riding would be good for helping with stiffness in his knee. He didn't ride more than five minutes as the doctor told him to gradually build up his exercising.
Following breakfast, I headed down to the clubhouse for ladies' golf. The weather was sunny but very windy and that made it a challange to play the holes facing into the win. We all had great shots when the wind was at our backs. While I was gone, John took care of some chores around the house and made us a nice pork roast meal for lunch.
Rodger called yesterday and set up a golf date for this afternoon, so after we ate and got the kitchen cleaned up, we headed off to play a round of nine holes with them. The wind was much stronger this afternoon, but it didn't stop us from playing and having a good time.
The RV park potluck meal and card playing was canceled this evening due to a conflict with another meeting on the fort, so this evening John and I attended game night at our church.
Following breakfast, I headed down to the clubhouse for ladies' golf. The weather was sunny but very windy and that made it a challange to play the holes facing into the win. We all had great shots when the wind was at our backs. While I was gone, John took care of some chores around the house and made us a nice pork roast meal for lunch.
Rodger called yesterday and set up a golf date for this afternoon, so after we ate and got the kitchen cleaned up, we headed off to play a round of nine holes with them. The wind was much stronger this afternoon, but it didn't stop us from playing and having a good time.
The RV park potluck meal and card playing was canceled this evening due to a conflict with another meeting on the fort, so this evening John and I attended game night at our church.
Monday, February 11, 2013
John had an early morning doctor's appointment in Uvalde, so I didn't have time for my walk. We arrived at the office around 9:15 and were called back to the exam room almost immediately. Dr. Conoley was very pleased with John's progress. He put new med strips over the incisions to protect them as they were glued and not stitched, and gave him a couple of leg exercises to begin. John is to return for another checkup in one month.
From the doctor's office we headed out to Wal Mart to gas up the Honda and do some grocery shopping. We didn't have much to buy, so we were soon back on the road to the fort.
This afternoon John and I looked through some things in our shed and decided we need to get rid of a few items and get it organized so we can have more room for storage. With that chore out of the way, I spent my time working on the laundry while John did some work in the yard. Mary Ellen stopped in for a quick visit to see how John made out at his appointment and to fill us in on what she has been doing. Following supper, we spent the evening watching The Biggest Loser and a couple of other favorite TV shows.
From the doctor's office we headed out to Wal Mart to gas up the Honda and do some grocery shopping. We didn't have much to buy, so we were soon back on the road to the fort.
This afternoon John and I looked through some things in our shed and decided we need to get rid of a few items and get it organized so we can have more room for storage. With that chore out of the way, I spent my time working on the laundry while John did some work in the yard. Mary Ellen stopped in for a quick visit to see how John made out at his appointment and to fill us in on what she has been doing. Following supper, we spent the evening watching The Biggest Loser and a couple of other favorite TV shows.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
After being stuck in the house most of yesterday, today was a different story. I was able to take my usual morning walk and even though it was a little on the breezy side, the warmer temps made it very enjoyable.
John and I ate breakfast, got cleaned up, and headed off to church where, following the service, we had a potluck meal. When we got home, we relaxed for about half an hour before heading off to the Art Studio for their open house. We talked to a few of the artists and saw many beautiful paintings as well as works in progress. We've discovered there are many talented folks living here on the fort.
We returned home long enough to pick up a couple of bags of chips, grab the camera and sweatshirts, and hopped in the golf cart to head over to Rodger and Tootie's place. They invited some folks over for a little party and, as usual, there was plenty of food. We all made our own pudgy pies over an open fire. You take two pieces of buttered bread and put your choice of meat, cheese, or fruit in between the slices, place them on the pudgy pie iron and heat it in the fire. John and I never had them before and they were delicious as well as fun to make. As the evening wore on, we sat around the campfire playing a couple of games before the party broke up.
John and I ate breakfast, got cleaned up, and headed off to church where, following the service, we had a potluck meal. When we got home, we relaxed for about half an hour before heading off to the Art Studio for their open house. We talked to a few of the artists and saw many beautiful paintings as well as works in progress. We've discovered there are many talented folks living here on the fort.
We returned home long enough to pick up a couple of bags of chips, grab the camera and sweatshirts, and hopped in the golf cart to head over to Rodger and Tootie's place. They invited some folks over for a little party and, as usual, there was plenty of food. We all made our own pudgy pies over an open fire. You take two pieces of buttered bread and put your choice of meat, cheese, or fruit in between the slices, place them on the pudgy pie iron and heat it in the fire. John and I never had them before and they were delicious as well as fun to make. As the evening wore on, we sat around the campfire playing a couple of games before the party broke up.
John getting ready to put his pudgy pie
in the fire
Pudgy pies are heating up
The finished pie
The gals enjoying eating and visiting
Rodger, Everett, and Gene enjoying
the nice evening
Saturday, February 9, 2013
It was a pretty quiet day for us. My morning walk was canceled due to cloudy skies with heavy misting. The cool, wet weather hung around all day and kept us pretty much house bound.
First thing this morning we Skyped with Matt who told us all about last night's basketball game. When we got done visiting via computer, we headed over to the RV park for the Saturday morning breakfast. Since the weather was so miserable, many folks hung around visiting longer than usual.
Several of the guys want to buy new grips for their golf clubs. These grips are especially made for people with arthritic hands. Paul E. stopped over mid-morning to show John a couple of web sites for purchasing the gripes. After lunch Rodger, Tootie, Gene, and Jeanne stopped in--the guys to discuss grips and the gals to just visit. Following an hour or so of discussion, the men decided what grips they wanted and John ordered them from E-bay.
We spent the remainder of the day just relaxing and watching a movie and some college basketball. It won't be long now before March Madness is upon us and John will be in his glory watching wall to wall college basketball.
First thing this morning we Skyped with Matt who told us all about last night's basketball game. When we got done visiting via computer, we headed over to the RV park for the Saturday morning breakfast. Since the weather was so miserable, many folks hung around visiting longer than usual.
Several of the guys want to buy new grips for their golf clubs. These grips are especially made for people with arthritic hands. Paul E. stopped over mid-morning to show John a couple of web sites for purchasing the gripes. After lunch Rodger, Tootie, Gene, and Jeanne stopped in--the guys to discuss grips and the gals to just visit. Following an hour or so of discussion, the men decided what grips they wanted and John ordered them from E-bay.
We spent the remainder of the day just relaxing and watching a movie and some college basketball. It won't be long now before March Madness is upon us and John will be in his glory watching wall to wall college basketball.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Cooler weather moved into the area overnight and with it came clear skies and lower humidity which made my morning walk much more enjoyable. John also took a short walk this morning. His knee is feeling pretty good, but still has some some stiffness.
After breakfast we spent a leisurely morning taking care of a few household chores. Rodger called to invite us to a gathering tomorrow afternoon and asked us to bring some chips. We didn't have any on hand, so we went into town to pick some up and to make a stop at the post office. Since it was almost lunch time, we decided to head to Burger and Shake for something to eat. Just as we returned home, Paul E. called asking if we wanted to play some golf. We got ready and headed off to the clubhouse to meet him and John B. We played 14 holes and then called it a day. I needed to get home to start supper, eat, and get ready to meet Tootie and Jeanne at Bingo. John spent his evening resting his knee and watching some college basketball and a few of his favorite Friday night shows.
After breakfast we spent a leisurely morning taking care of a few household chores. Rodger called to invite us to a gathering tomorrow afternoon and asked us to bring some chips. We didn't have any on hand, so we went into town to pick some up and to make a stop at the post office. Since it was almost lunch time, we decided to head to Burger and Shake for something to eat. Just as we returned home, Paul E. called asking if we wanted to play some golf. We got ready and headed off to the clubhouse to meet him and John B. We played 14 holes and then called it a day. I needed to get home to start supper, eat, and get ready to meet Tootie and Jeanne at Bingo. John spent his evening resting his knee and watching some college basketball and a few of his favorite Friday night shows.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
It was foggy and misting but nice and warm when I left the house for my morning walk. I needed to get out a little earlier than usual as we had a date to play golf in Uvalde today.
Right after breakfast, John and I headed over to the RV park to meet up with Paul, Melinda, Tim, Mary Ellen, Rodger, Tootie, Gene, Jeanne, John, Theresa, and Linda. We loaded our clubs into various vehicles and hit the road for the Uvalde golf course. We separated into three teams and played a best ball scramble. The golf club offers a lunch on Thursdays, so after the first nine holes, we took a break to eat. Even though it was overcast and damp while we played in the morning, by early afternoon the sun came out and we enjoyed some beautiful weather. John and I played with John and Theresa and won with a score of one under par. After we were done playing, we hit the road back to the fort. Following supper, John went to wood carvers while I relaxed at home watching some TV.
Right after breakfast, John and I headed over to the RV park to meet up with Paul, Melinda, Tim, Mary Ellen, Rodger, Tootie, Gene, Jeanne, John, Theresa, and Linda. We loaded our clubs into various vehicles and hit the road for the Uvalde golf course. We separated into three teams and played a best ball scramble. The golf club offers a lunch on Thursdays, so after the first nine holes, we took a break to eat. Even though it was overcast and damp while we played in the morning, by early afternoon the sun came out and we enjoyed some beautiful weather. John and I played with John and Theresa and won with a score of one under par. After we were done playing, we hit the road back to the fort. Following supper, John went to wood carvers while I relaxed at home watching some TV.
Drawing balls for teams
One of the long fairways
A lovely water hazard
Rodger getting ready to chip
Gene getting ready for his turn to chip
Mary Ellen, Linda, and Tim finishing up the 18th hole
Gene and Jeanne
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Today wasn't quite as busy as yesterday. I took my walk this morning as usual and, since it's Wednesday, after breakfast John headed down to the clubhouse for men's golf. Twenty guys showed up today so they formed five teams of four. John only does some chipping and putting, no driving off the tees. Fortunately, his team had Ken who can drive far and straight which helped them end up with a score of two under par. One other team had the same score. When John got home he said Gene and Rodger were going to Daddy's Grill for lunch and asked if I would like to go. Of course I said "Yes". We met the guys and their wives for a delicious lunch and some good conversation.
I wanted to play a few holes of golf after lunch. As we were getting ready to head out, we saw John B. and Paul on the second green and asked if we could tag along with them. We played nine holes before calling it a day. I hadn't played in over a week and tomorrow a group of us are heading to Uvalde to play on the big course so I wanted to get in some practice.
We spent a pretty quiet evening watching some shows we recorded earlier with the DVR.
I wanted to play a few holes of golf after lunch. As we were getting ready to head out, we saw John B. and Paul on the second green and asked if we could tag along with them. We played nine holes before calling it a day. I hadn't played in over a week and tomorrow a group of us are heading to Uvalde to play on the big course so I wanted to get in some practice.
We spent a pretty quiet evening watching some shows we recorded earlier with the DVR.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
It was a busy day for us. I got my walk done early this morning and then John and I took care of a few chores around the house. A little before noon we headed over to the RV park to help celebrate Gene Bevins' 70th birthday. We had a nice lunch of hotdogs, salads, chips, ice cream, and cake. After everyone was finished eating, most of us headed down to the Par 3 course for a best ball scramble with some very unusual rules. The afternoon was just beautiful with temps in the low 80's--everyone had a fun time.
We returned home and rested up for about an hour and then it was time to go to the RV park for the Tuesday night potluck and card game. John made it to the final round of his game and I lost both of mine. Everyone was pretty tired from the busy day and ready to head home after the games were done.
We returned home and rested up for about an hour and then it was time to go to the RV park for the Tuesday night potluck and card game. John made it to the final round of his game and I lost both of mine. Everyone was pretty tired from the busy day and ready to head home after the games were done.
Monday, February 4, 2013
It was much warmer this morning when I took my walk, so I ditched the winter hat, gloves, and sweater under my hooded sweatshirt. I'm hoping John will be able to rejoin me after he sees the surgeon next Monday.
This morning John headed off to wood carvers while I spent my time getting the house back to normal after our Super Bowl party and starting a pasta salad for tomorrow evening's potluck. As soon as he got home, we headed to Del Rio to get the oil changed in the Honda. It was around noon when we reached the shop and it was pretty busy, so we decided to head down to Wendy's for something to eat and then return in half an hour. That planned worked out just fine, we didn't have to wait when we got back and had the car serviced right away. From there we went across the street to HEB (a grocery store) and picked up a few items and then hit the road back to the fort.
When we got home, we finished up the salad, ate some supper, and
then John took a little walk over to the driving range. His knee keeps improving every day with very little pain. We had a relaxing evening watching The Biggest Loser and generally resting up. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us.
This morning John headed off to wood carvers while I spent my time getting the house back to normal after our Super Bowl party and starting a pasta salad for tomorrow evening's potluck. As soon as he got home, we headed to Del Rio to get the oil changed in the Honda. It was around noon when we reached the shop and it was pretty busy, so we decided to head down to Wendy's for something to eat and then return in half an hour. That planned worked out just fine, we didn't have to wait when we got back and had the car serviced right away. From there we went across the street to HEB (a grocery store) and picked up a few items and then hit the road back to the fort.
When we got home, we finished up the salad, ate some supper, and
then John took a little walk over to the driving range. His knee keeps improving every day with very little pain. We had a relaxing evening watching The Biggest Loser and generally resting up. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
This morning the clouds were back again but the temps were fairly warm which made it very comfortable for walking. John felt good enough to attend church, so it was the usual Sunday morning routine for us.
This afternoon we put the finishing touches on the house and preparations for our Super Bowl party. Everyone arrived right on time bringing their snacks, drinks, and a few extra lawn chairs. The guys watched the game with much cheering and a few boos interspersed here and there. While the guys enjoyed the game, the ladies sat around the table talking and playing a marble game Lois brought with her. There was plenty of good food and only a few crumbs left here and there when the party broke up after the game. It was a fun Super Bowl party.
This afternoon we put the finishing touches on the house and preparations for our Super Bowl party. Everyone arrived right on time bringing their snacks, drinks, and a few extra lawn chairs. The guys watched the game with much cheering and a few boos interspersed here and there. While the guys enjoyed the game, the ladies sat around the table talking and playing a marble game Lois brought with her. There was plenty of good food and only a few crumbs left here and there when the party broke up after the game. It was a fun Super Bowl party.
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Roofing Being Done Everywhere!!
John and I have been keeping pretty busy over these last several weeks. Our weather has turned quite warm, but the nights cool down very ni...

Wednesday dawned cool and overcast with a fine mist. John and I took our usual morning walk around the golf course even though we got a lit...
John and I have been keeping pretty busy over these last several weeks. Our weather has turned quite warm, but the nights cool down very ni...
After spending most of yesterday either sitting in an airport or a plane, we landed in Sacramento around 7:30 last night. It was about 40 ...