It's been over a week since I last posted, so I thought I better write a little something to let folks know I am still in the land of the living even though several times over the past week I sure didn't feel like it. Last I posted, John had just come down with the stomach virus that has been making its way around the area. Just as he was starting on the road to recovery, I came down with it, only much worse. After several days with little improvement, John called on our friend, Sam Lark, who got me some meds from the pharmacy that finally helped settle things down. Only one problem remained, I developed a heavy cough and still felt very sick. We decided I should head over to Uvalde and the Urgent Care office. Doctor Perez listened to my lungs, told me I had bronchitis, gave me a treatment to help open up my lungs, and gave me prescriptions to fight off the infection, get the lung inflammation down, and keep my stomach settled. I have done nothing the past few days but sleep and rest. The antibiotics are finally kicking in and I'm starting to feel much better.
John has been back playing golf and he stops in on his way to the third tee to check on me and see if I need anything. Today he went with about 20 other folks to Uvalde for a golf outing. I really was looking forward to this, but wasn't well enough to go. Maybe we'll have another outing over there before we head home in the spring.
That's all for tonight.
We have started this blog to keep family and friends updated with news and photos about our lives in both Minnesota and Texas. We hope you will check in often and enjoy sharing our experiences.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Stone Soup and a Movie
The morning was once again cloudy with a light misting, but the temps were on the pleasant side so John and I were able to get in our morning walk.
Today was men's golf, so after breakfast John headed down to the clubhouse. There was a pretty good crowd in spite of the dampness and the guys formed two teams of four and two teams of three. John's team ended up one over par. I had an appointment for a haircut and following that, I headed over to the RV park kitchen to join some other ladies in giving Theresa B. a hand cutting up old sweaters which she will sew into hand warmers. Some traced the different pattern parts on the material while others did the cutting. Theresa is doing a show in a couple of weeks and needed a helping hand in getting the warmers cut out. In the middle of helping out, I suddenly felt ill and had to return home. The pain med I took that morning had an adverse reaction on my stomach. I felt much better after taking a little nap.
John and I headed back over to the RV park for the Stone Soup supper. John B. was in charge of making the soup. If you were planning to attend this evening, you were to bring one cup of vegetables to be used in making it. John made two huge pots of soup and there were plenty of folks there to enjoy it. Following the meal, we went inside to watch a movie entitled "The Newton Brothers"--this was based on the true story of the brothers who lived in the area and were famous bank robbers. They actually robbed the Brackettville bank in the early 70's. We had a slight glitch midway through the picture--John began to fill sick so we left right away and drove home and then I headed into town to get something to settle his stomach. Maybe my sickness this morning wasn't caused by the meds. Seems a little flu bug is making its way around the fort.
Today was men's golf, so after breakfast John headed down to the clubhouse. There was a pretty good crowd in spite of the dampness and the guys formed two teams of four and two teams of three. John's team ended up one over par. I had an appointment for a haircut and following that, I headed over to the RV park kitchen to join some other ladies in giving Theresa B. a hand cutting up old sweaters which she will sew into hand warmers. Some traced the different pattern parts on the material while others did the cutting. Theresa is doing a show in a couple of weeks and needed a helping hand in getting the warmers cut out. In the middle of helping out, I suddenly felt ill and had to return home. The pain med I took that morning had an adverse reaction on my stomach. I felt much better after taking a little nap.
John and I headed back over to the RV park for the Stone Soup supper. John B. was in charge of making the soup. If you were planning to attend this evening, you were to bring one cup of vegetables to be used in making it. John made two huge pots of soup and there were plenty of folks there to enjoy it. Following the meal, we went inside to watch a movie entitled "The Newton Brothers"--this was based on the true story of the brothers who lived in the area and were famous bank robbers. They actually robbed the Brackettville bank in the early 70's. We had a slight glitch midway through the picture--John began to fill sick so we left right away and drove home and then I headed into town to get something to settle his stomach. Maybe my sickness this morning wasn't caused by the meds. Seems a little flu bug is making its way around the fort.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
No Women's Golf Today
John walked alone this morning. I decided that I won't take the usual morning walk on Tuesday mornings since I walk the nine holes with the ladies and I have to rush around to get ready to play on time. When John returned, he said it was misting outside and it wasn't long before I received a call that the ladies would hold off and play an hour later than usual; however, the misting continued, so we called it off all together. John was scheduled to play with Paul and John B. at 11 a.m. so I decided to go play with them. John B. was running late and joined us on the 7th hole. Everyone's play was much improved today.
We got back from golfing in plenty of time for me to make a hot dish for tonight's potluck at the RV park. While I was doing that, John took my three new clubs over to Paul's and they put new grips on them. I'm anxious to try them out on Thursday when we play couples.
There was a pretty good crowd for the potluck this evening and then some of the folks stayed and played cards. John and I both were losers this evening, but still had a good time and a lot of laughs.
We got back from golfing in plenty of time for me to make a hot dish for tonight's potluck at the RV park. While I was doing that, John took my three new clubs over to Paul's and they put new grips on them. I'm anxious to try them out on Thursday when we play couples.
There was a pretty good crowd for the potluck this evening and then some of the folks stayed and played cards. John and I both were losers this evening, but still had a good time and a lot of laughs.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Spring Weather
We got busy watching the Olympics on Sunday evening and it got too late to write on the blog. Our day was a pretty busy one with church in the morning with a delicious potluck meal following the service. Shortly after we arrived home, Lloyd called and asked if we would like to play a round of golf. Of course, we said "Yes". After a cloudy, misty start to the day, the afternoon was just about perfect and we were able to enjoy our time outside. We then spent a pretty quiet evening watching TV.
Today started off cloudy and misting again, but one good thing about the weather here in southwest Texas is that cloudy mornings turned into sunny afternoons. That was the case again today. John and I took our usual walk around the golf course and, following breakfast, he took off for woodcarvers. I took advantage of his absence to change the bed linens and do several loads of laundry.
Since today was a federal holiday, the golf course is open for use, so John made plans for us to play with John B. and Paul E. around 2:30p.m. We had a couple of hours before we needed to meet up with them and decided it was a good time to take the sun screens off the windows and give them a good cleaning along with the windows. They had been up for over three years and were pretty dirty.
Today started off cloudy and misting again, but one good thing about the weather here in southwest Texas is that cloudy mornings turned into sunny afternoons. That was the case again today. John and I took our usual walk around the golf course and, following breakfast, he took off for woodcarvers. I took advantage of his absence to change the bed linens and do several loads of laundry.
Since today was a federal holiday, the golf course is open for use, so John made plans for us to play with John B. and Paul E. around 2:30p.m. We had a couple of hours before we needed to meet up with them and decided it was a good time to take the sun screens off the windows and give them a good cleaning along with the windows. They had been up for over three years and were pretty dirty.
A view of the ninth tee just across
the street from our house. You can see
green is beginning to appear.
While John was outside, Chuck and Lois E. stopped in for a visit and then we headed over to the clubhouse. John B. called while we were waiting and said he got held up and we should just start without him. He never did make it, so John and I played by ourselves and both of us had a pretty good round for a change.
Ralph R. called just as we returned home and asked John if he come over to take care of a couple little household chores he couldn't handle. John went over and took care of what needed to be done and then stopped at Subway to pick up a couple of sub for supper. The rest of the week promises to be a very busy one.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
A Very Busy Day
John and I were up bright and early to head over to the RV park for the weekly breakfast. For just $3.50 each, we get a delicious meal of two eggs, sausage, pancakes, coffee or juice. It's the best deal in town and there's always a good crowd every Saturday.
When we returned home, we took a shortened walk around the golf course and then got ready to head out for the day's adventure. We met up with our group and got situated for driving out of town to the holey rock riverbed for a picnic and hiking. John and I rode out with Chuck and Lois E. and had an enjoyable time visiting during the trip. It didn't take long for Jim R. to get the grill warmed up and the hotdogs cooking. We also were served a Jello salad, cut up veggies, chips, and brownies--we supplied our own drinks. The afternoon was spent searching the riverbed for the "holey rocks" and hiking. Holey rocks are ones with holes in them formed by water over many years.
After the picnic, some of us returned to Brackettville while the others took a ride along some county roads. John and I Skyped with Amy to see how Isaiah's latest test went and then met up with Paul E. for a quick nine holes of golf. From there met up with Lloyd and Ginni for a pizza supper at the Pizza Outpost in town. The final chore for the day was making a strawberry pie for tomorrow's potluck meal after church. I must say both John and I are pretty tired this evening.
When we returned home, we took a shortened walk around the golf course and then got ready to head out for the day's adventure. We met up with our group and got situated for driving out of town to the holey rock riverbed for a picnic and hiking. John and I rode out with Chuck and Lois E. and had an enjoyable time visiting during the trip. It didn't take long for Jim R. to get the grill warmed up and the hotdogs cooking. We also were served a Jello salad, cut up veggies, chips, and brownies--we supplied our own drinks. The afternoon was spent searching the riverbed for the "holey rocks" and hiking. Holey rocks are ones with holes in them formed by water over many years.
After the picnic, some of us returned to Brackettville while the others took a ride along some county roads. John and I Skyped with Amy to see how Isaiah's latest test went and then met up with Paul E. for a quick nine holes of golf. From there met up with Lloyd and Ginni for a pizza supper at the Pizza Outpost in town. The final chore for the day was making a strawberry pie for tomorrow's potluck meal after church. I must say both John and I are pretty tired this evening.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Busy Day
With the temperature in the upper 40's this morning we had no problem getting out for our walk. We then ate breakfast and got ready for Tim and Mary Ellen to pick us up. Today was Uvalde's Winter Texan lunch. We arrived in town a little early, so we decided to scope out a new adventure for sometime in the future. There was quite a contingency from Brackettville at the luncheon and we all enjoyed a nice meal and entertainment from a gospel band. On the way home we stopped at HEB so Mary Ellen could pick up the food needed for our group outing tomorrow.
Paul E. called and asked if we wanted to play a quick nine holes, so we changed clothes and met him on the third tee. I purchased a new, to me, driver and a couple of woods off of Ebay and was anxious to give them a try. They're going to take a little getting used to, but I think they will help me improve my game. Following a quick supper, I headed off to Bingo while John watched some college basketball on TV.
Paul E. called and asked if we wanted to play a quick nine holes, so we changed clothes and met him on the third tee. I purchased a new, to me, driver and a couple of woods off of Ebay and was anxious to give them a try. They're going to take a little getting used to, but I think they will help me improve my game. Following a quick supper, I headed off to Bingo while John watched some college basketball on TV.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Second Warm Day In A Row
John had to be at Ralph R.'s house by 9 a.m. this morning to put the finishing touches on the job he was doing earlier this week, so we decided to skip the morning walk so he wouldn't have to rush to get there on time. While John was gone, I did a little more work on the finances.
John got home just in time to grab a quick lunch before we headed down to the clubhouse for couple's golf. After much cold weather, many folks were anxious to get back to playing. We played with Dennis and Ellen, a couple from Wyoming who are staying in the RV park. None of us played very well and it seems several of the teams were struggling today, but at least we enjoyed some beautiful weather with warm temps.
It seemed like we were only home for a few minutes when Tim M. called to remind John about wood carvers this evening. We had both forgotten all about. He quickly ate supper and then headed off to pick up Tim. I spent some time watching the Olympics and listening to the Clearbrook Bears basketball game on the computer.
John got home just in time to grab a quick lunch before we headed down to the clubhouse for couple's golf. After much cold weather, many folks were anxious to get back to playing. We played with Dennis and Ellen, a couple from Wyoming who are staying in the RV park. None of us played very well and it seems several of the teams were struggling today, but at least we enjoyed some beautiful weather with warm temps.
It seemed like we were only home for a few minutes when Tim M. called to remind John about wood carvers this evening. We had both forgotten all about. He quickly ate supper and then headed off to pick up Tim. I spent some time watching the Olympics and listening to the Clearbrook Bears basketball game on the computer.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Finally, Some Warmer Weather
Tuesday was a miserable weather day. When we first got up, the temp was in the low 30's with rain--that definitely meant no golf for anyone. Right after breakfast, I got busy and made a salad for the potluck supper that night and, once that was done, John and I took off to Del Rio so we could get out of the house for a few hours. As we were walking through Penny's, we found that several other Fort Clark residents had the same idea. We did a little shopping, hit Wendy's for some lunch, and made a final stop at Wal Mart for several grocery items. John and I watched a little TV when we returned home and then headed over to the RV park for the potluck supper which was followed, as usual, by cards. I did manage to win one of the "31" games.
After such a cold day yesterday, today started off with a low of 25 degrees. Needless to say, we skipped our walk this morning. Once the sun came up, so did the temps. John donned his long pants and headed off to the clubhouse for men's golf. Ten guys braved the cool weather to play. Paul, Tim, and John made plans to stay out on the course to play more golf once the first nine holes were played. I think they needed to make up for all the lost golfing time due to the weather. While John was gone this morning, I did some laundry and worked on the finances. I had a pile of mail and receipts starting to build up on the desk that needed to be cleared away. After lunch I headed over to the clubhouse where I met up with Mary Ellen, Ginny, and Kathy for nine holes. Since we usually walk the course on Tuesday mornings, we decided to walk today so we could get some extra exercise. The weather was absolutely beautiful with warm sunshine and a nice little breeze. It wasn't long before we all were down to tee shirts--it sure was a big change from yesterday when the temps didn't get much above freezing. It looks like spring is finally on its way. The grass on the golf course is beginning to green up and some of the trees are budding. Even the stores in Del Rio are putting out their summer plants. We won't have anything like that up north until the end of May.
Following supper, John and I went over to Jim and Kathy Runger's place in the RV park. Kathy had some computer questions and asked if I would give her a hand. We stayed and visited after the problems were figured out and then spent the remainder of the evening watching a couple of our favorite TV shows and some of the Olympics.
After such a cold day yesterday, today started off with a low of 25 degrees. Needless to say, we skipped our walk this morning. Once the sun came up, so did the temps. John donned his long pants and headed off to the clubhouse for men's golf. Ten guys braved the cool weather to play. Paul, Tim, and John made plans to stay out on the course to play more golf once the first nine holes were played. I think they needed to make up for all the lost golfing time due to the weather. While John was gone this morning, I did some laundry and worked on the finances. I had a pile of mail and receipts starting to build up on the desk that needed to be cleared away. After lunch I headed over to the clubhouse where I met up with Mary Ellen, Ginny, and Kathy for nine holes. Since we usually walk the course on Tuesday mornings, we decided to walk today so we could get some extra exercise. The weather was absolutely beautiful with warm sunshine and a nice little breeze. It wasn't long before we all were down to tee shirts--it sure was a big change from yesterday when the temps didn't get much above freezing. It looks like spring is finally on its way. The grass on the golf course is beginning to green up and some of the trees are budding. Even the stores in Del Rio are putting out their summer plants. We won't have anything like that up north until the end of May.
Following supper, John and I went over to Jim and Kathy Runger's place in the RV park. Kathy had some computer questions and asked if I would give her a hand. We stayed and visited after the problems were figured out and then spent the remainder of the evening watching a couple of our favorite TV shows and some of the Olympics.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Warm Morning Turns To Cold Day
The temperature was 60 degrees when we took our morning walk around the golf course. That was the high temperature for the day along with overcast skies. The cold weather is suppose to hang around through tomorrow, so ladies golf has been canceled for now.
Right after breakfast, John headed out for wood carvers while I got busy baking bread and doing a little straightening up around the house. This afternoon John went over to Ralph R.'s to install a new hot water heater for him and to do a couple of other little repair jobs. That just about covers our Monday. With the warm weather in the forecast, we hope to get back to our golfing by Wednesday.
Right after breakfast, John headed out for wood carvers while I got busy baking bread and doing a little straightening up around the house. This afternoon John went over to Ralph R.'s to install a new hot water heater for him and to do a couple of other little repair jobs. That just about covers our Monday. With the warm weather in the forecast, we hope to get back to our golfing by Wednesday.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Nice Day
Things have been pretty quiet around here the last few days. The weather was pretty cold on Saturday morning so we decided to wait until later in the day for our walk. We headed over to the RV park for breakfast and then John met up with Paul and John B. for some mid-morning golf. There was a big tournament scheduled for the afternoon, so it was the only time they could get out on the course. It warmed up very nicely in the afternoon, so John and I managed to get a walk in.
Today started off much warmer than yesterday and it made for a much more enjoyable walk this morning. We followed our usual Sunday routine of breakfast and then church. There was quite a good crowd this morning with many visitors. Seems more folks are coming south to get out of the cold. After lunch, we met up with Lloyd and Ginny for a round of golf. We all made some good shots and had a good time playing. It sure was nice to be outside in the warm sunshine. John and I then spent a quiet evening in front of the TV watching the Olympics.
Today started off much warmer than yesterday and it made for a much more enjoyable walk this morning. We followed our usual Sunday routine of breakfast and then church. There was quite a good crowd this morning with many visitors. Seems more folks are coming south to get out of the cold. After lunch, we met up with Lloyd and Ginny for a round of golf. We all made some good shots and had a good time playing. It sure was nice to be outside in the warm sunshine. John and I then spent a quiet evening in front of the TV watching the Olympics.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Cold, Again
Since the temperature was a little below freezing, John and I bundled up for our morning walk. On the positive side, the winds had died down overnight. Bad news for the day was couple's golf was canceled.
After breakfast, John went over to Sam Lark's to check out what he will need to take care of a little job for him and from there went to the post office to check for mail. With the weather predicted to stay cold all day, we decided to head into Del Rio for lunch and to do some shopping. We chose a new place for lunch, Jack In The Box, and found it to be much more expensive than Wendy's and some of the other fast food places. We felt the food was just okay and probably won't be eating there again.
John had purchased a pair of walking shoes from SAS a couple of years ago and they began to split on one of the seams. He wanted to get another pair, so we drove out to the factory outlet store where he found some he liked. I also found some shoes I liked and lucked out with them as they were discontinued and, best of all, 50% off.
We also made a stop at Wal Mart and then Home Depot to pick up a new ceiling fan for one of the condos. He plans to install it sometime tomorrow.
This evening John went to wood carvers and I started watching some of the Olympics. Our weather is suppose to turn tomorrow, so we're hoping to finally get in some golf.
After breakfast, John went over to Sam Lark's to check out what he will need to take care of a little job for him and from there went to the post office to check for mail. With the weather predicted to stay cold all day, we decided to head into Del Rio for lunch and to do some shopping. We chose a new place for lunch, Jack In The Box, and found it to be much more expensive than Wendy's and some of the other fast food places. We felt the food was just okay and probably won't be eating there again.
John had purchased a pair of walking shoes from SAS a couple of years ago and they began to split on one of the seams. He wanted to get another pair, so we drove out to the factory outlet store where he found some he liked. I also found some shoes I liked and lucked out with them as they were discontinued and, best of all, 50% off.
We also made a stop at Wal Mart and then Home Depot to pick up a new ceiling fan for one of the condos. He plans to install it sometime tomorrow.
This evening John went to wood carvers and I started watching some of the Olympics. Our weather is suppose to turn tomorrow, so we're hoping to finally get in some golf.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Another Cold and Cloudy Day
The cold weather that's been griping the country is even being felt down here in southwest Texas. Today the temps didn't make it out of the forties. I know, it would be wonderful if it reached that high in northern Minnesota today, but it's cold for here. John and I did manage to walk our loop around the golf course this morning
Today was men's golf and ten brave souls showed up to play. John actually stopped back in on his way to the third hole to grab a pair of gloves as his hands were freezing. Stan M. had stopped in the other day and asked John to do some minor plumbing in one of the condos. Since we decided not to play golf this afternoon, he went over to the condo, checked out the kitchen faucet, purchased a new one, and got it installed. My day was taken up with doing laundry and cleaning up in the bedroom.
This evening we headed over to the RV kitchen for a movie night and to celebrate Gene B.'s birthday. We watched "The Lone Ranger" and during an intermission, ate some ice cream and cake.
This cold weather is suppose continue tomorrow, so couples' golf has been canceled. Maybe we'll have to take a road trip somewhere.
Today was men's golf and ten brave souls showed up to play. John actually stopped back in on his way to the third hole to grab a pair of gloves as his hands were freezing. Stan M. had stopped in the other day and asked John to do some minor plumbing in one of the condos. Since we decided not to play golf this afternoon, he went over to the condo, checked out the kitchen faucet, purchased a new one, and got it installed. My day was taken up with doing laundry and cleaning up in the bedroom.
This evening we headed over to the RV kitchen for a movie night and to celebrate Gene B.'s birthday. We watched "The Lone Ranger" and during an intermission, ate some ice cream and cake.
This cold weather is suppose continue tomorrow, so couples' golf has been canceled. Maybe we'll have to take a road trip somewhere.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Cool Days, Golf, and Potluck
Even though Monday morning was cool and cloudy, we did manage to take our morning walk. Right after breakfast, John headed over to the RV park kitchen for wood carvers. Wallace is out of town, so carvers had to find a temporary place for this week.
Our kitchen sink faucet began leaking several days ago, so when John got home, he took it all apart and decided we needed a couple of new "O" rings. Since the course is closed on Mondays, we decided it was a good time to head to Del Rio. Our first stop was the hardware store with our next one being Wendy's for some lunch. The last stop was HEB for a few grocery items. Upon arriving home, John got right to work on the faucet and it is now "leak-free". Later in the evening we Skyped with Matt and the family and learned all three kids were winners in basketball.
Today was cloudy in the morning, but the sun broke through a little after 10 a.m. The ladies stopped by the house to pick me up on their way to the third tee. No one had our Texas phone number and couldn't call to let me know we were playing in spite of the cold. John played with Paul and John B. and were right behind us on the front nine. John brought me home and then continued with the guys on the back nine.
Since this evening was potluck, I made a dessert to take and took care of a few chores around the house. We played cards as usual and John finally won one of his "31" games. Most of the folks hung around afterward and played another game called "Pass the Ace"--John was the winner of that game. It looks like his long losing streak has come to an end.
Our kitchen sink faucet began leaking several days ago, so when John got home, he took it all apart and decided we needed a couple of new "O" rings. Since the course is closed on Mondays, we decided it was a good time to head to Del Rio. Our first stop was the hardware store with our next one being Wendy's for some lunch. The last stop was HEB for a few grocery items. Upon arriving home, John got right to work on the faucet and it is now "leak-free". Later in the evening we Skyped with Matt and the family and learned all three kids were winners in basketball.
Today was cloudy in the morning, but the sun broke through a little after 10 a.m. The ladies stopped by the house to pick me up on their way to the third tee. No one had our Texas phone number and couldn't call to let me know we were playing in spite of the cold. John played with Paul and John B. and were right behind us on the front nine. John brought me home and then continued with the guys on the back nine.
Since this evening was potluck, I made a dessert to take and took care of a few chores around the house. We played cards as usual and John finally won one of his "31" games. Most of the folks hung around afterward and played another game called "Pass the Ace"--John was the winner of that game. It looks like his long losing streak has come to an end.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Super Bowl Party
The temperature took a drastic downward plunge overnight and this morning we woke to cold temps, light rain, and wind which meant that we didn't take our usual walk.
After breakfast, we got cleaned up and headed off to church. Today was communion Sunday and there was quite a crowd for this morning's service. After John and I returned home, we ate lunch and then put the finishing touches on the house in preparation for our Super Bowl Party.
Our guests started arriving around 5 p.m. bringing their favorite snacks and treats to share. It wasn't long before men and a few women were settled in their seats enjoying the game. Actually, Jim R. was the only Seahawks fan among the 17 party goers so he was the only one who really enjoyed the game. While the game was going on, some of the ladies paid a card game. Even though most of us were rooting for the Broncos, we had plenty of good food which helped ease our pain.
After breakfast, we got cleaned up and headed off to church. Today was communion Sunday and there was quite a crowd for this morning's service. After John and I returned home, we ate lunch and then put the finishing touches on the house in preparation for our Super Bowl Party.
Our guests started arriving around 5 p.m. bringing their favorite snacks and treats to share. It wasn't long before men and a few women were settled in their seats enjoying the game. Actually, Jim R. was the only Seahawks fan among the 17 party goers so he was the only one who really enjoyed the game. While the game was going on, some of the ladies paid a card game. Even though most of us were rooting for the Broncos, we had plenty of good food which helped ease our pain.
Darlene, Jeannie, Nancy, Melinda (in background)
and Linda playing a card game
Gene (in cap), Paul, and Randy (on sofa)
watching the game
Tim, Lloyd, John, and Ginny
Kathy getting the pizza ready.
Correction on yesterday's posting: I made a mistake about the winner of yesterday's scramble. John brought it to my attention that his team was one of the two winners.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
A Beautiful Day
John and I were up bright and early to head over to the RV park for their Saturday morning breakfast of eggs, sausage, and pancakes. When we returned home, we took our usual walk around the golf course, got cleaned up, and went to the clubhouse where we met up with 18 other folks to play a best ball scramble. Each team was made up of people with a wide range of golfing skills--A, B, and C players. I played with Judy, Scottie, and Jim--the guys were the A players for our team and did most of the driving off the tee. We were four under par at one time, but we struggled on the back nine and ended up even. John's team ended up three under with the winning teams at 6 under par. It was a beautiful day to be out on the course and a lot of fun to play with new folks. Everyone had such a good time, another scramble is being planned for sometime in the future.
John and I ate a very late lunch and then rested while watching some of the PGA on TV. Lloyd J. called and asked us out for pizza at the new restaurant in town. Right as we were getting ready to leave, Tim and Mary Ellen stopped in to deliver some folding chairs and extra table for tomorrow evening's Super Bowl party. They hadn't eaten supper, so they came along. The new pizza place was very nice and the food was excellent--it looks like we've found another place to eat here in Brackettville.
John and I ate a very late lunch and then rested while watching some of the PGA on TV. Lloyd J. called and asked us out for pizza at the new restaurant in town. Right as we were getting ready to leave, Tim and Mary Ellen stopped in to deliver some folding chairs and extra table for tomorrow evening's Super Bowl party. They hadn't eaten supper, so they came along. The new pizza place was very nice and the food was excellent--it looks like we've found another place to eat here in Brackettville.
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Roofing Being Done Everywhere!!
John and I have been keeping pretty busy over these last several weeks. Our weather has turned quite warm, but the nights cool down very ni...

Wednesday dawned cool and overcast with a fine mist. John and I took our usual morning walk around the golf course even though we got a lit...
John and I have been keeping pretty busy over these last several weeks. Our weather has turned quite warm, but the nights cool down very ni...
After spending most of yesterday either sitting in an airport or a plane, we landed in Sacramento around 7:30 last night. It was about 40 ...