After breakfast, John went up to Clearbrook to watch another of Sam's football practices. The team is starting to come together as they get comfortable with their positions and learn the different plays. They will have a scrimmage with another school next week.
The gopher wars continued again today. John had one caught by the foot, but he got out of the trap, so now he has to wait until it digs another tunnel, find the entrance, and set another trap. John told me he will be victorious--it might take a while, but he will win. Following the gopher escape, John cut some more lawn and picked a few things out of the garden. Our grapes are starting to ripen and we have to decide what we are going to do with them. We have a lot of grape jelly left from last year, so we might try making grape juice.

After being gone all of yesterday, I pretty much spent the day catching up on things around the house. I have many photos on my laptop, so I decided to take some time today and start sorting and organizing them. I'm afraid this is going to become a big project and take some time to accomplish.
I apologize in advance for the pseudo-advertisement, however, regarding yor gopher issues you and your husband may be interested in my products found at CrittergetterOnline.Com which have been proven (both through customer feedback and testing performed by the University of Nebraska) to be 90% effective for gopher control. The Crittergetter uses a proactive rather than reactive abatement technique that folks have employed successfully for decades and is safe for use around both children and pets.
Link to University of Nebraska report:
A new video showing the Crittergetter in action can be found at CrittergetterOnline.Com