After we got back to the house, I took a little walk around the yard to look at the different signs of fall. The apple tree in our yard is full of small apples. The trunk of this tree is almost completely hollowed out and it amazes us how it keeps producing apples year after year. The apples are only about two inches in diameter and don't taste very good, but the deer just love them. As they fall from the tree, John rakes them up into five gallon containers to be fed to the deer.

It is also interesting to see how some of the most noxious weeds in our fields look so pretty in the fall.

Our tomato plants are producing some large and delicious tomatoes. John wanted this photo posted so he could brag to his brother about his great tomato crop.

This afternoon we headed up to Clearbrook to watch Sam's first game of the season. It wasn't an actual game, but a scrimmage with a team from another town. Our whole family has been looking forward all summer to going to the games and rooting for the Bears. They were on offense first and Sam, playing half back, was running the ball well and making good yardage. Sam, #30, carrying the ball for a large gain.

This play is a pitch out to Sam with his friend Hunter blocking for him--another nice gain.

Shortly after this, Sam broke free for a run down the field and was tackled around the ankles and went down. He went down and didn't get up. The coaches went over to him to see what was going on and Matt walked out onto the field. I thought he had fallen on the ball and had the wind knocked out of him. John then went out on the field to see what was happening. I walked down to stay with Sara and give some moral support. Matt came over and said Sam broke his arm. Fortunately, two of the parents there were nurses, and they were able to put on a splint and stabilize the arm. John then went and got Matt's truck and drove it near the field so they could get Sam inside and off to the hospital. John went with them and I took Hanna and Rachel with me. To help keep the girls occupied we went to watch the 7th grade volleyball game and then out for supper before coming back to our place.
Matt called with the news that both bones in the forearm were broken, but the good news was that surgery was not required. We had told Matt and Sara to request one of the doctors from the practice that did our surgeries as they were some of the best in their field. Dr. Caron was on call and came right over to the hospital. X-rays were taken and the arm was set and placed in what they call a soft cast for now. Sam will see the doctor next week and if the arm looks good, will then have a hard cast put on. They got back to our house around 8:00 p.m. to pick up the girls and head on home. I walked out to see how Sam was doing, and I must say he looked like one sad little puppy. He just loves the game of football and gives it his all when playing--this will be a real growing experience for Sam. Matt asked the doctor about how he thought the arm got broken. Dr. Caron said when Sam went down, he put his hand out to break his fall and that put a great deal of stress on the bone--it would have been better to keep the arm in and roll with the fall.
The doctor told Sam his arm will heal just fine and to remember that this was only his 7th grade year. Better this year than his senior one. Dr.Caron also assured him he will be healed and ready for the basketball season. Thank goodness for that since basketball is Sam's second passion. Even though Sam won't be playing any more football this season, John and I will still go to the games and cheer on the Bears.
That was our day. Not exactly what we thought it would be when we got up this morning. We're just so thankful that Sam will heal up and be better than ever.
that is so sad, sorry he broke his arm. I have a grandson that also loves playing football and he's had his breath knocked out of him and cut his arm but nothing like that. our Richie is in 8th. grade.he's 13 yrs. old. Football is a rough sport! sorry he got hurt! Darlene Endris