Sam and Matt went hunting again this morning and Sam shot a nice spike buck. They also saw a huge buck, but couldn't get a good shot. They will try for that one another day. John spent the morning down in the shop making parts and doing some assembly. It gets a little hectic this time of year trying to get all the orders out in time for the Christmas shopping season. I sold all the items I had put on E-bay last week, so this morning my time was spent boxing everything up and getting them ready to be shipped.
John got a phone call from Gander Mountain telling him that he was the winner of the drawing they had over the weekend. Since we had to go to the post office and the bank, we decided to go to Bemdiji when he was finished in the shop and pick up his prize. He thought it would be a blaze orange hooded sweatshirt, but was very pleasantly surprised to find he had won an extremely nice hunting jacket with a value of $160. Now he will be toasty warm waiting for that big buck to appear.

Matt wanted to see John's new jacket, so we stopped in at his place on our way back home. We got there just as they were hanging up another deer--Hanna had shot a yearling doe this evening. She was very happy to have gotten her deer as she will be tied up with volleyball camp after school the rest of this week. Rachel also went out with Matt and was anxious to get her first deer. They saw a couple this evening and when Rachel focused on one through the scope, she told Matt, "It looks so cute eating the grass". He knew right away the conversation was going down a bad road and there would be no deer for Rachel this night. She just wasn't ready to pull the trigger on her first deer.

After we got home we spent the rest of our evening watching Monday Night Football.
do they process the deer themselves? they have really good luck, four deers to process, wow! that was so cute they youngest GIRL not being able to shoot! she will learn!