Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We had another cloudy morning with some light mist which made it very comfortable for walking. John and I like getting our exercise done before the skies clear off and the temps get on the rise. The past few days have seen the afternoon highs in the 80's.

As soon as we got back to the house, John went over to the condo building to go up on its roof to see if he could find where the solar panels were leaking. The morning is the best time for this as water needs to be running through the tubes in order to see what is leaking and where. He saw the problem right away and tighten the connections--leaks are now stopped. One job down and several more to go.

After breakfast, John left to pick up Tim for the men's nine hole golf. They had a good group of guys show up to play and John's team shot two over par. He had great tee shots, but his short game wasn't at its best.

While John was golfing, I headed off to Del Rio for Weight Watchers. I met Lois Carlson there and after the meeting we went for lunch. It was then off to the mall for some birthday present shopping for Noah who will turn five next month.

This afternoon John went over to Ralph's place and helped him clean out his storage shed. He came home with some of Ralph's discarded treasures and now we have to find a home for them at our place.

After supper we settled in to watch Survivor and American Idol. Both shows looks to be pretty interesting this season.

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