Our first stop was Best Buy to get the laptop checked out. It has been freezing up and showing a blue screen error message that shuts Windows down. After running a couple of diagnostic tests, it was decided the problem is a software one. The tech removed the software for the printer we use in Texas to see if that's the root of the problem. It's an older printer and I had to download a special driver to get it to work with Windows 7. We'll have to look into a printer that's compatible with this operating system once we get back down south.
It was after noon by the time we left Best Buy, so we decided to grab a quick lunch at Culver's which was right across the parking lot. Our next stop was Sam's Club to pick up a few things we want to take to Texas and then we headed back across the river to Cabela's. John found a couple of pairs of shorts on the sale rack and couldn't pass them up.
Our final stop of the road trip was DQ where we each got a Blizzard. It was the perfect way to end our outing. This evening Matt called and said he shot an eight point buck, so John went up to see it and got a picture.

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