Monday, January 23, 2012

We were up nice and early for our walk and were back home just as the sun was coming up over the horizon.  The temps were a little cooler this morning, but it still felt good to be outside in the fresh air.

The wood carvers are having a three day seminar this week.  Wallace, who heads up the group, invited Jon Nelson, from Colorado Springs, to come and teach a class on carving caricatures (faces).  Each member of the class purchased a roughout of the character they want to carve.  John is doing a piece entitled Chief Limp Feather.  Jon spends time with each person answering questions and working on the pieces they are carving.  Today's session lasted about 6 hours.

The carvers hard at work on their projects
Since we have been so busy this past week, I appreciated time home alone to get caught up on some of the chores that have been neglected.  I changed the bed linens, did quite a few loads of laundry, baked bread, and got some much needed cleaning out of the way.  It's amazing how much I got accomplished with no one here to make me go play golf.  Oh, I forgot, there was no golfing today as the course is closed on Mondays.

In today's mail we received a basketball CD from Matt and Sara, so this evening we were able to watch a couple of Sam and Hanna's games.

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