Monday, April 30, 2012

When we were walking this morning we noticed that the wild plums trees are in full bloom and the Popple trees are now a lovely shade of green.  Spring is truly coming to northern MN--even the temps are beginning to moderate overnight.

Wild plum tree blossom

Matt called after breakfast and had John meet him at a new job site.  The guys will be building a roof over an entry door.  They got as far as they could today and will have to wait for rafters to be delivered before they can proceed.  The correct windows for a previous job came in today, so they will head back to that job tomorrow.  John was home in time for lunch and then headed out to mow some lawn.  

I kept busy today doing laundry and working on the finances. Last week I ordered an HP Touchpad and have been tracking it everyday on the laptop.  Today was delivery day.  I got it unpacked, charged up, and started setting it up.  I need to do a little more reading to figure out how to use it, but I know I'm going to love it.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Before we took a walk this morning, John checked the traps he had set next to the holes under the garage.  He found that he had trapped another woodchuck and quickly dispatched this one to woodchuck heaven. We're hoping this is the end of the woodchuck infestation.

The rest of our day was pretty quiet.  After breakfast we got cleaned up and headed off to church.  We spent some time this afternoon watching the PGA on TV and John took some time to straighten up the wood shed in preparation for stacking the wood he cut yesterday.   He also received several phone calls from family members wishing him a happy birthday. 
That was our day--nothing too exciting.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

It was nice and sunny when we took our walk this morning, but clouds moved in for a good part of the day with strong winds that kept it a little on the cool side.

A few days ago John had found a hole under the slab on the side of the garage.  He didn't see any animal activity and filled it in.  Yesterday he told me that the hole was open again and another one was on the end of the garage--like a front and rear entrance.  He set a trap at the entrance of each hole and this morning found he had trapped a big, old woodchuck.  He dispatched it to woodchuck heaven and filled in both of the holes.  Late this afternoon, he found that the holes were open once again.  Must be another family member taking up residence--the traps are back in place.

 Woodchuck hole under slab

 John the victor over the woodchuck

John wants to get started on the firewood for next year before the weather warms up and the insects come out.  This afternoon he spent some time up at Matt's pulling out logs and cutting some of them up.  He'll load and bring them back to our place sometime in the next week. 

Firewood for next winter

I spent the best part of my day removing more wallpaper from the bathroom walls.  I'm just about done--only have about one more big wall left to do.  

This evening John attended a father/son banquet at our church with Matt and Sam.  While he was gone, I just relaxed and watched a movie. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

John and I enjoyed a nice walk this morning even though the temps were a little on the chilly side.  After breakfast John bundled up and cut some more grass around the house.  I cleaned up the kitchen and then did some financial work on the computer.

Since my birthday was yesterday and John's is Sunday, we decided to treat ourselves to a nice lunch in Bemidji.  I had an appointment for a mammogram at 1 p.m. and, when that was done, we had a nice meal at Applebee's.  We then spent the next couple of hours going back and forth between Home Depot and Menards looking for a new bathroom sink.  We finally settled on the one in Menards.  Tile and paint selections will have to wait until next week--we just looked at too many different styles and colors to make a good decision this afternoon.  We made one final stop at Wal Mart for some milk and a few other items and then hit the road.

We made a detour on the way home and stopped in at Matt's to see how Sam was doing.  He had a good night and the pain has been very manageable so Sam should be back in school next week.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

John and I had quite a day.  It started with a text message around 7 a.m. from Matt saying that Sam had dropped a weight on his hand and Sara, Matt, and Sam were heading to Bemidji (that meant ER room).  My first thought was "Another grandson with a broken hand".  Our grandson, Jesse, who lives in CA, broke his hand a few weeks ago by tripping over his dog while playing basketball.  He ended up having surgery and a couple of screws inserted in his hand.

We just got started walking when Matt called back and told us the bad news.  Sam had almost completely severed the  tip of his ring finger and crushed the middle finger.  He asked us to call the ER at the hospital to let them know of his injury and that they were on their way in.  We got another call updating us on the situation and learned they had Sam started on an IV and were giving him pain meds.  They were waiting for the orthopedic doc to get out of surgery to look at the fingers and decide how they would proceed.  There were several options, one of which was amputation of the first digits.

Matt and Sara had rushed out of the house and forgot a few things, so they asked us to go to their place, let the dog out and grab Sara's purse along with her appointment book so she could call and cancel the salon appointments she had for today.  When we reached the hospital, Sam was settled in a room waiting to go into surgery. We stayed until the nurses came to get him, and while Sara elected to stay, we took Matt out for lunch and grabbed something to bring back for her.  

Sam was still in surgery when we returned to the hospital, but it wasn't long before the doctor came out to talk to us.  The surgery went extremely well.  The surgeon was able to reattach the one fingertip and nail and managed to remold the crushed finger tip and save that nail. Sam's greatest fear was avoided--no amputation.  Sam will be on an antibiotic for the next seven days to hopefully prevent infection.  His fingers are individually wrapped in what they call a cocoon bandage which is then attached to his wrist.  This stays in place until he sees the doctor in one week and at that time the dressings will be changed.  Sam should be well healed in six to eight weeks--until then he has to be very careful of those fingers.

Sam was taking a while to get awake, so John and I grabbed his prescription and dropped it off at Wal Mart so Matt only had to pick it up and not wait around for it to be filled.  We then picked up some fresh fruit and eggs and headed home.  It was a long day, but thankfully all turned out well. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We had another beautiful sunny day--looks like we've turned the corner weather-wise and spring is truly here.

John and Matt headed back to the job site this morning and spent an hour or so talking with the homeowners about how to fix the problem of the wrong cabinet size.  They decided to go back to the store and try to get the situation resolved while John and Matt finished installing the other cabinets and counter tops.  John said the section that is completed looks beautiful, hopefully the homeowners will think so, too.

Today I did the laundry and cleaned out all the kitchen cabinets and drawers gathering more items for the rummage sale.  I got those things all priced and packed up ready to go.  Still have the closets and a few more drawers to go through and then I should be done with this job. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The weather was just beautiful today--our first with warm breezes along with the sunshine.  Suppose to be back to cold again tomorrow.

John called the local garage and was able to drop his truck off first thing this morning.  Matt met him there and gave him a ride to the job site.  It was good news with the truck--just a break shoe that was stuck and needed to be cleaned up.  The truck had sat unused for almost five months and that caused the problem.  It was a fast, easy, and inexpensive fix.  The bad news was from the job.  Matt and John got down to installing the final cabinet and discovered the home owner had ordered the incorrect size. They'll meet tomorrow morning and decide if they can make it work, or have to order a different cabinet.

I started my day by stripping more wall paper in the bathroom.  One of these days I'll have to put in a full day and get the job done.  Jo came to work in the shop this morning and, since I hadn't seen very much of her since we've been home, we spent some time visiting while she was shredding paper for packing.  With the warmer weather on the way, I laundered several of the winter jackets and go them put away and then started cleaning out more cabinets and drawers looking for rummage sale items.  

Hanna and Matt stopped over after supper so she could get John to help her stain her shop project--a nice wooden stool.  They had to let it dry overnight and then a couple of coats of lacquer can be applied sometime over the next couple of days.  The stool has to be turned in on Friday.  

We spent a pretty low key evening just watching The Biggest Loser and The Voice.


Monday, April 23, 2012

John was up early in order to leave the house by 8:30 a.m. in order to meet Matt at the job site.  The guys worked all day installing kitchen cabinets for a customer.  This job also includes doing counter tops and installing a new floor.  They will probably be on this job the rest of the week.

Today I spent some time stripping off more wallpaper--one small wall is now ready for painting.   I made a call to AT&T about an error on our bill.  It took me longer to get connected to a live person than it did to get the error corrected.  You just gotta love those automated phone systems.  The house was a little messy after the weekend, so I did some cleaning and straightening up and now order has been restored.  

John encountered a problem with his pickup on the drive home, so it looks like we'll be taking a trip to the repair shop tomorrow to drop it off and I'll be housebound as he'll have to take the Honda to get to work.  Maybe I'll sort through more cabinets and closets for rummage sale items.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

After all the clouds and rain of yesterday, the sun finally broke through around mid-morning and we had a beautiful afternoon.  We skipped our morning walk as the road was just too muddy for walking.

This morning was our first back at our home church since our return from Texas and it was good to see many of our friends once again.  Today was a special missions service so we heard a missionary to Chad speak and then attended a ham dinner put on the by church ladies.

Since the weather was so nice, John was able to work outside and removed the winter wrappings from our shrubs.  He also spent some time putting the finishing touches on his ramps for the trailer.  I took some time this afternoon to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  John will be helping Matt this week and needs to take a lunch, so now he'll have something sweet to pack.  

Our friend Ralph wanted to see our woodshed, so here's a couple of pictures taken this afternoon.  You can see the grass is nice and green, but the trees still haven't budded out yet.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

It was raining when we got up this morning and it continued off and on throughout the day.  Since working outside was out of the question, John spent some time down in the shop making a couple of ramps for the trailer.  Matt and Hanna stopped over this morning--John had called earlier asking him to come so we could talk to him about the bathroom remodeling and get some advice on several ideas we have.  While Hanna was here, I went through some of our DVD's and found a few for her to take home to help pass a rainy Saturday.

Since we were pretty much house bound today, I baked bread and we took some time to watch the PGA on TV.  John also spent some time on the computer looking at golf clubs.  It was a pretty low key day here in Minnesota.

Ralph - John couldn't get outside to photograph the wood shed.  That will have to wait until another day and I'll post the picture then.

Friday, April 20, 2012

After almost two weeks back here in Minnesota, I think I'm finally getting acclimated to the weather.  It was 34 degrees when we took our walk this morning, almost ten degrees warmer than yesterday, and I actually thought it was rather pleasant outside.

John spent the morning working outside cleaning out the lean-to so he could store the trailer there to keep it out of the weather.  He found a large hole had been dug under the garage and thought we might have a woodchuck in residence.  He filled the hole in and will wait to see if it's opened up again.  If it is, he'll set a trap and see who or what is living there.  I still had the fall decorations up around the house since I didn't have time to take then down before we headed south.  I took some time this morning to gather them all together, pack them up, and store them back down in the basement.  I also stripped off a little more wallpaper in the bathroom.  

John and I decided to take a run to Menards this afternoon and look at some flooring tile, sinks, counter tops, and faucets.  We think we have settled on the floor tile and a faucet, but still need to do some more searching for the counter top.   After spending a couple of hours looking at bathroom fixtures, we headed to our favorite pizza place for some supper.  From there it was a quick trip through the grocery store and then back on the road home.  We spent the rest of the evening watching a couple favorite TV shows and just vegging out.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We were finally able to get our morning walk in today.  Even though the temps were a little on the chilly side, there was no wind and the sun was beginning to rise--it was actually very pleasant being outside.

Matt called right after breakfast asking if John could give him a hand leveling and forming up the area for the basketball court he wants to make.  They worked on it the entire day and now it is ready for the gravel base.

 Getting the new court ready for gravel and cement

John had also hauled the repaired trailer up to Matt's to get some help getting the last stubborn bolt attached.  It's now ready to use once again.

Today I tackled the job of organizing and cleaning out all the office files getting rid of papers and forms that we no longer needed.  I had quite a pile of paper when I got done, but now everything is back in good order again.

The weather was nice and pleasant after supper, so John got the lawn mower out and starting cutting the tall grass to the west of the house.  He wants to get that area cleared out this spring so this was a good time to get started.

 The first grass cutting of the spring


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We had a nice rain overnight that lingered into this morning, so once again we missed out on our walk.  Due to the weather, John and Matt had a delayed start to their morning.  There was also a major hang-up--the windows they installed yesterday both had a major defect.  The window frames were perfectly square, but once they were installed, the home owners found that the inner workings were crooked and you couldn't get the windows up or down without the frames being bent and the locks sprung.  As luck would have it, the windows were special ordered so new ones won't arrive for another whole week.  Matt and John just put Tyvek up over the windows to keep out the weather and put the job on hold until the new windows arrive.

John got home just before noon, so we decided to take a run to Grand Forks after lunch and do some shopping at Sam's Club.  We needed to stock up on a few paper products as well as some grocery items.  When the shopping completed we made a final stop at The Blue Moose for a nice leisurely supper before hitting the road to home.  We purchased several bulk items, so over the next few days we'll have to repackage things into individual meals and get the freezer organized.  Still too chilly to get anything done outside after supper, so our evening was spent working on the computer and watching a few recorded shows. 

My kids have been after me to get texting for my cell phone.  I just signed up yesterday, so now I can be reached via another form of communication. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

John was up bright and early this morning as he had a 9 a.m. dental appointment.  He had chipped a tooth back in January and we were thinking it would need to have a crown.  I was so surprised when he was back home in 40 minutes.  The dentist said the tooth was in good condition and just glued a little filler to it and John was all done.  

John was home just long enough to change clothes, grab a lunch, and head off to meet Matt at a job site.  A home owner wanted a couple of new windows installed, old siding removed and new put on.  They got the windows in and the old siding off the house, so that means the new siding can go on tomorrow and that job will be done.  Hopefully the weather will co-operate so the guys can work.

I did some house cleaning this morning--nothing had been dusted since last fall, so I thought I should begin giving the house a good cleaning and started with the upstairs today.  Sara is going to have a rummage sale next month, so I also looked through the closets and drawers for items we don't need or want any more.  

We spent a pretty quiet evening watching The Biggest Loser and The Voice before calling it a night.


Monday, April 16, 2012

After having to get up at the crack of dawn the past two days so we could be on time for basketball games, it sure felt good to sleep in this morning.  We had a dusting of snow overnight and with a temperature of 28 degrees and very strong winds this morning, we skipped our walk.

After breakfast, John picked up Matt and they made a trip to the local lumberyard to pick up some plywood for the trailer they worked on last week.  From there they went back to Matt's where they cut the boards into the size they needed.  John brought everything back here and spent the afternoon mounting the sides.  He has one little bolt left to install and then the job will be completed and we'll have an almost new trailer for hauling firewood and whatever else needs hauling around here.

I did a few loads of laundry this morning and then spent an hour or so  tearing off some more wallpaper in the bathroom.  With the weather being on the cool side, it's a good time to work on inside projects.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Today's weather was a complete opposite from yesterday--cold and cloudy with rain.  It was a good day to be inside watching basketball.

John and I were up early so we could take a walk before the bad weather arrived.  Today was Sam's basketball tournament in Crookston, so Sara, Hanna, and Rachel arrived at our house by nine so we could all drive together in our car.  The first game was at the college and started at 10:45 a.m.  The boys played well and won that game.  There was about a two hour wait until their second game which would be played at the local high school.  It was decided to head to Subway for lunch and then go to the school and watch some of the games being played.  I'm sorry to say that the boys lost their next two games and were eliminated from the tournament.  I'm not sure what happened with the team, they just seemed sluggish and could not make a basket for anything--balls just kept going around the rim or bouncing in and out.  It was a rough way to end 8th grade basketball, but in spite of their final games, they had a fun season.

 Hanna getting ready to take stats and Sara to video

 Sam bringing up the ball

 Sam taking a free throw

 More game action

On the way home we all stopped at A & W for some supper before gong our separate ways.  We enjoyed spending the weekend with family, but are glad the tournament is over.  John and I are all basketballed out.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It was a beautiful day weather-wise, but we spent it almost entirely inside watching basketball games. 

 John and I were up by 6 a.m. and on the road to Matt's house by a little after seven.  There we picked up Rachel and her friend and followed Matt, Sara, Sam, and Hanna to Crookston for today's games.  Hanna's first game was at 9 a.m. and was a real nail biter with Hanna making a free throw to tie the game.  Each team went on to score another basket with seconds left and we had a tied game at the end of regulation play.  There was then a two minute overtime which Clearbrook won by a couple of points.  (I'm really not sure of the exact score, I watched so many games today, everything has sort of blurred together.)  The girls went on to win their second game and that gave them a bye so they didn't play again until 3 p.m. in the afternoon.  With such a long break between games, we all drove over to Subway for lunch and then wandered around Wal Mart to kill some time.  We still had about two hours until Hanna's next game, but decided to head back to the college and watch some of the other teams.  Unfortunately, the girls lost their third game which placed them in the bracket for playing for third place.  I am happy to say they won that game and the team received third place medals for their efforts.  Matt coached the girls and did a great job even though he was pretty nervous before the first game.

 Hanna warming up before the first game
 The girls playing the first of four games

Hanna and Coach Dad

John and I had a great time today watching Hanna and her teammates play--hard to believe we will be doing it all again tomorrow to watch Sam's tournament.

Friday, April 13, 2012

We had cloudy skies with showers off and on today so our morning walk was canceled.  Following breakfast, John went down to the shop to help JD stain some product as Joanne had to sub at the school today.  With that job out of the way, he spent most of his afternoon working on the trailer he and Matt had repaired.  He painted all the new metal framing and then next week will get some plywood to make new sides. 

Today I got the laundry caught up, changed bed linens, and also got the last of the clothes unpacked and stored away.  I think it's safe to say we are totally unpacked and fairly restored to normal.  This weekend is the Pacesetters Basketball tournament so we will be out of town all day tomorrow watching Hanna play.  Our evening was spent watching a couple of our favorite TV shows and just vegging out.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We are slowly getting back into a routine around here.  John and I were up early and took our first walk in over a week.  It was a beautiful morning even though it was 28 degrees when we left the house.  We just bundled up a bit with winter hats and gloves.

After breakfast, Matt called and asked John to come up to his place to give him a hand with one of his projects.  Matt is clearing and leveling a section behind the house where he wants to pour concrete for a basketball court for the kids.  He had the use of a neighbor's tractor this morning and wanted John to help guide him as he moved the dirt.

The dirt moving took most of the morning, so John stayed for lunch and then he and Matt went to the lumber yard to pick up some re-rod to use in making new sides for our hauling trailer.  Matt did the welding and now the trailer has nice strong sides.

I spent the morning catching up on the laundry--it had piled up quite a bit due to traveling--and stripping some wallpaper from the bathroom walls.  We are planning to redo it this summer so I thought I would get a head start on the job.  I also got the last of the crates unpacked, but still have much to put away.  Watched American Idol tonight, couldn't believe the results.  All my favorites were in the bottom three. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today's weather was a little warmer--highs in the mid 40's and no wind. First thing this morning, we went up to Sara and Matt's where I got a haircut and John visited with Matt and picked up a couple of winter jackets they had borrowed. When we returned home, it was nice enough outside that John did a little clean up around the outdoor furnace. I got busy baking bread and sorting through the mail that had piled up while we were gone. 

After lunch, John went back up to Matt's where the guys put new lights on the trailer used for hauling wood, etc.  I got the kitchen cleaned up and the last of the food we brought home from Texas stored away.  That's one area of the house now back to normal. This evening we watched Survivor and American Idol, worked on the computer, and did some reading.  Just a boring, quiet night at home.   

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

John and I were both tired from the trip home, so we managed to sleep in a little later this morning.  After we got cleaned up, we hit the road to Bemidji for some breakfast at Country Kitchen.  From there we visited a couple of the different grocery establishments to begin the process of restocking the kitchen pantry.  I'm sure we'll be making several more trips before we have everything we need.  

The temps were on the cold side today (37 degrees) with wind, so doing anything outside was not on our agenda.  We spent most of the afternoon unpacking boxes and putting the contents away.  It will be a few more days before all the crates are empty and order is restored to the house.   We spent a quiet evening watching The Biggest Loser and The Voice. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

John and I were up nice and early with plans to be on the road north by 8 a.m.  The kids were still on Easter break and got out of bed just in time to say good-bye.  As we headed toward the inter-state, we gassed up the Honda and then made a quick stop at McDonald's (our favorite breakfast place when on the road).  It was then a straight shot north to home.  We stopped in Fargo, ND for a nice lunch, gassed up the car on more time, and then drove the final leg to Bagley.  

I must say that we received some false information concerning the weather.  We were assured by several family members that the snow was gone and the temps were nice and warm.  We saw snow flurries a few miles from home and the temps are anything but warm--it was 37 degrees.  At least the grass is beginning to green up and we'll get to see all the spring colors and blossoms once again after seeing them in Texas and on our journey north.  Even though the weather is a little on the chilly side, it was great to see the family again.  The warmer weather will probably be here in a month or so--that's life in the North Country.
John and I are glad to be back home.  

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter everyone!!  Our day started off with Sunday School and morning worship service where we heard our son-in-law, Dave, preach.  Dave, Amy, and family have accepted a call to a church in Gillette, WY., and will be moving there the first of July.

We had a delicious afternoon meal of turkey, stuffing, potato salad, and several other dishes.  Since everyone was pretty full, we took a walk and enjoyed the beautiful, sunny weather.   The rest of the afternoon we watched the final round of the Masters--it sure was an exciting ending.
Tomorrow we hit the road again for the final leg of our journey home to Minnesota.   


Saturday, April 7, 2012

After rising by 5 a.m. the past two mornings, it sure felt good to sleep in a little later today.  John and I pretty much spent the day sitting around visiting with Amy and Dave catching up on what has been happening with their family over the winter and playing a few card games with the kids.  Since the weather, though sunny, was cold and very windy, we decided to skip going to the park and stayed inside and watched some of the Masters golf tournament.  This evening we watched a DVD with the kids before they headed off to bed and then spent a quiet evening doing more visiting.

Friday, April 6, 2012

John and I were up by 5:30 a.m., ate breakfast at the motel, and were on the road by 6:15 a.m.  We again had sunny skies and clear roads the whole day.  As we traveled north, we saw spring begin to fade and by the time we reached Iowa, the trees were barely beginning to bud.  However, the tulips are blooming in Amy's yard and there is more green here in Sioux Falls.  It was good to see everyone again and we were  amazed at much the boys grew over the winter.  We'll be here until Monday--it feels good to know we'll be out of the car for a couple of days.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

John and I were up bright and early and on the road by 6:15 a.m.  Our first stop was McDonald's in Del Rio for some breakfast and then we pointed the Honda north.  We had sunshine and good roads along with some beautiful scenery--the wildflowers were in full bloom along the roadsides.  There were a few stops for gas and lunch and we reached Blackwell, OK by 6 p.m.  The first leg of the journey is over and the second begins tomorrow with the destination of Sioux Falls, SD and the grand kids.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

After our morning walk, our entire day was focused on getting everything packed and tying up all the loose ends.

First thing on the agenda was to take the golf cart over to Gerald's and leave it for him to use during the summer.  Then John made a final sweep around the outside of our house to make sure everything was picked up and stored in the shed.  Following lunch, we made a run to Del Rio to pick up a couple of pounds of dry ice that we hope will keep our few frozen foods nice and cold on the trip home.  We stopped at Subway to grab a sub for supper as the fridge is empty.  This evening we took a little break to watch Survivor and then got the final boxes and bags loaded.  We are now ready for the journey home.  Even though we love spending our winters here in Texas, we are always anxious to get back to Minnesota and family.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Today was a busy one for us.  Following our morning walk and breakfast, John headed over to Sam Larks to wire and hang a ceiling fan in his outside shed.  I played my final round of golf with the ladies.  Our group has dwindled down to six, and in a few weeks only the year round residents will be left.  After the game I bid them all good-bye until next fall.  John and I then met up with Gene and Jeannie Bevins at Burger and Shake for a farewell lunch.  From there we stopped in to see Wallace and Becky before heading back home.  We did a little packing and then went over to Sandwick's for Happy Hour.  John and I could only stay for a short visit as we had to be home in time to meet up with Stan and Jan who were taking us to Del Rio for supper.

We have just about everything packed and ready to go.  Tomorrow we take the golf cart to Gerald I., pick up some dry ice, and get the Honda loaded up so we are ready to hit the road bright and early Thursday morning.  We have only a few more people to visit, then our good-byes will be done. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

We had another fairly quiet day.  The temps have remained in the 90's so that means there is not much activity outside once it warms up.  After our walk and breakfast, John headed off for his final time at wood carvers.  There were only about six people in attendance this morning.  While he was gone, I get the bed linens changed and the laundry started.  It was then more packing.  

Following lunch, we took the porch swing down and stored it in the shed along with all the other outdoor furniture.  Our neighbor across the road, Steve G., is going to use our electric lawn mower and keep the batteries charged over the summer.  John cleaned the grill and got that stored away and, after that job was done, we headed into Del Rio for some supper and then washed the Honda and cleaned out the interior. 
When we returned home, we loaded a couple of boxes and then spent the rest of the evening watching the NCAA Championship game.  Only two more days before we hit the road home.  We are always sorry to leave down here, but find we are anxious to see Minnesota again.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

We had another very warm one again today.  As usual our walk got done early in the morning, and then it was breakfast and off to church.  This was our last Sunday, so time was spent after the service saying goodbye to our friends.

Right after lunch we headed down to the clubhouse for a game of golf with the "Holiday Club Golfers".  This was our final gathering until next fall and we made the most of it.  Everyone played fairly well and had a good time, even though we just about melted out on the course.  We all returned to our homes to get showered up and cooled off before heading over to Dennis and Mary Jane's house for a potluck meal.  There was plenty of delicious food and good conversation for several hours.  When John and I got home, we did a little more packing and watched some TV before calling it a night.
Computer problems, so no posting Saturday night.  Hopefully I can keep it working well enough to keep posting until we get home.  Here's what we did Saturday.

Yesterday was pretty quiet for us.  The temps hit the mid 90's again, so we walked early in the morning.  Following breakfast, John and I attended the annual members' meeting at the Post Theater where we learned about the financial condition of the fort and heard reports from the many different committees.  The members were then treated to a free lunch which we shared with Chuck, Lois, Ginny, and Lloyd.  Chuck and Lois are heading out this morning (Sunday, April 1).  Lloyd and Ginny had planned to leave today too, but their motor-home developed a problem and now they have to stick around until it's repaired.

Our afternoon was spent watching golf and packing.  Of course, John watched the NCAA basketball semi-finals last night. 

Roofing Being Done Everywhere!!

John and I have been keeping pretty busy over these last several weeks.  Our weather has turned quite warm, but the nights cool down very ni...