A few days ago John had found a hole under the slab on the side of the garage. He didn't see any animal activity and filled it in. Yesterday he told me that the hole was open again and another one was on the end of the garage--like a front and rear entrance. He set a trap at the entrance of each hole and this morning found he had trapped a big, old woodchuck. He dispatched it to woodchuck heaven and filled in both of the holes. Late this afternoon, he found that the holes were open once again. Must be another family member taking up residence--the traps are back in place.
Woodchuck hole under slab
John the victor over the woodchuck
John wants to get started on the firewood for next year before the weather warms up and the insects come out. This afternoon he spent some time up at Matt's pulling out logs and cutting some of them up. He'll load and bring them back to our place sometime in the next week.
Firewood for next winter
I spent the best part of my day removing more wallpaper from the bathroom walls. I'm just about done--only have about one more big wall left to do.
This evening John attended a father/son banquet at our church with Matt and Sam. While he was gone, I just relaxed and watched a movie.
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