Right after breakfast John headed up to Matt's to cut up the logs he pulled out yesterday. He filled the trailer, brought the load home, and then got it all unloaded. Our woodshed is just about full again.
While he was gone I got started on my main objective for the day--cleaning out the garage for next Saturday's sale. After I emptied out what I could, we took the hose and cleaned the floor. The guys had done all the tile cutting for the bathroom in the garage and that left the floor covered in a white powder that needed to be washed off. I sorted through things on the shelves and got them straightened up. John continued to work a little on root removal, moving stones to another flower bed, and planted some flowers around the pond. We took little breaks in between jobs to watch some of the PGA and women's college softball on TV.
New flowers around the pond
Nice clean garage
After supper we got most things picked up and put back in their proper places. John then watered the garden and I took a few photos to document the garden's progress this summer. We then spent a relaxing evening vegging out in front of the TV.
John watering his tomato plants
Strawberries are coming. Won't be long now.
Everything's nice and green down by the pond.
So far no duck family this year.
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