Tuesday, January 1, 2013

After a late night, we still got up early for our morning walk--there was no sleeping in.  We must be gluttons for punishment.  The temps remained on the chilly side today with some weak sunshine and strong winds.  As we were eating breakfast, this big guy came through our yard.

 During the party last night, the guys made arrangements to play golf this morning.  We all bundled up against the elements and, with the strong winds, everyone pretty much played a lousy round.  When the golfing finally got done, we headed down to Burger and Shake for some lunch.  Darlene and Everett were already there with Chuck and Lois who just returned late yesterday afternoon from visiting family for the Christmas holidays.  As usual the conversation was interesting and lively.

When we returned home, John headed over to Ralph's to install a new kitchen faucet.  Once he was finished with that chore, he went to the driving range to practice his swing.  He said he hit the ball far and straight and doesn't know why he struggled so much playing this morning.  While he was gone, I watched the final episode of the first season of Downton Abby on my Kindle and did some reading.  Our evening was a pretty quiet one spent watching the Rose and Orange Bowls. 

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