Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot Again

Once again the guys were up early to try to beat the heat.  Since it was slightly cooler this morning, they were able to make some good progress before the warmth drove them into the AC.  

When I asked Gus what he was thinking wearing a black shirt on such a hot day, he said "That's what real men do".  I think he was implying that his brother was a wimp for wearing a white shirt.

 Flowers in the neighbor's yard

While the guy's worked, Katie and I did some shopping at Kohl's where I found some neat place-mats, a baking dish, and tee shirt all on sale.  Katie also bought some of the same place-mats and a shirt.  It's been fun being able to shop in a few of my favorite stores since we have to travel almost a 100 miles to do so at home.  After lunch, we all piled into Gus's car and went to Half Price Books where Nate works and purchased some used CD's, books, and said good-bye.  From there Gus and Katie took us to Cheddars for some supper and then the guys did some more work on the deck when we got home.  Tomorrow they hope to get the steps back up and then Gus will be able to do the railing on his own.  

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