This morning John was up and out bright and early to work with Matt finishing up his current job. I spent my day taking care of some household chores--laundry, giving the kitchen a good cleaning, and a few other things. We are to the point in the shop where we are starting to set up for the sale. I have been making some signs with pricing for the wood left in inventory and bagging up spindles, shaker pegs, and other smaller items. I will also list a few more items on ebay. Today we sold the last of the lamp cords--started off with 120 of them. We have been listing the items on ebay that we feel have a better chance of selling there than on our sale.
The title of today's blog refers to the sports season. Late this afternoon John and I headed up to the school to watch Rachel and Hanna play volleyball. The only problem was the girls played at the same time but in two different gyms. Thank goodness they were right next to each other--just walk out one door and turn right into the other. The teams play two games and if each wins one game apiece, a third game is played. We watched Hanna play a game and then ran next door to watch Rae before going back to watch more of Hanna. We ended up missing quite of bit of Rachel so we need to come up with a better system for viewing the games next time. Rachel is playing 7th grade VB while Hanna plays on the C team. Hanna also played on the B team which is similar to junior varsity. They will play again tomorrow and on Friday. Then we throw in Sam's first football game of the season on Thursday evening. He just found out he'll be the starting safety on defense. Along with all the sports, we also have an eye exam and hearing test scheduled for this week. What were we thinking?
Rachel (5) returning the ball
Oops! Ball went out of bounds.
Hanna tips the ball over the net.
Getting ready for the serve
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