Monday, March 31, 2014

Out of Town Today

Since there is no golfing on Monday and it was forecast to be a beautiful sunny day, John and I decided to take a little road trip to Langtry where Judge Roy Bean ruled in his day.

We hit the road early and stopped at I HOP in Del Rio for some breakfast.  While we were eating, we ran into Skip and his family who were starting their journey home to Manetoba.  John played golf with him quite of bit this past winter.

After eating, we hit the road west.  Our first stop was to see the Pecos River.  The level has dropped considerably over the last year or so due to the severe drought in this area.

Our next stop was Langtry where we spent some time in the museum and then we strolled through the cathus garden.  We could once again see the damage done by the drought.  Many of the species of cathus we saw before were no longer there; however, John and I were able to see some beautiful blooms.  It was a busy place today with many visitors from all across the United States.

On our way back to the fort, we stopped at Wal Mart to pick up a little fresh produce and a few other items we needed to see us through until we leave.  On the way out of town, a stop was made at Sonic for a couple of strawberry shakes.  Once we were back on the fort, we saw Lloyd and Ginny to say good-bye and wish them safe travels and then headed over to see Gene and Jeannie.  We had supper with them at Burger and Shake and bid them farewell as they are heading out tomorrow morning.  The RV park is looking pretty empty right now.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Busy Sunday

Our beautiful weather continued today with the temps reaching into the 80's in the afternoon.  There was a nice breeze all day which made it very comfortable to be outside.

John and I took our usual walking route around the golf course and saw more turkeys on the fairways.  I was able to get a little closer for some photos today.  John also spent some time looking for a ball he lost the other day.  He finally managed to find it.

The golf course is nice and green now especially with the Mesquite trees starting to leaf out.  Below is a photo of the 11th hole.  I drove the green here for the first time last week.  I tee off from the red markers.

Today was the fifth Sunday in March and that meant a music program for the church service.  We enjoyed several special numbers as well as singing some favorite hymns.  After the service, we met up with Lloyd and Ginny at Burger and Shake for some lunch.  Since it was such a beautiful afternoon, we decided to play a round of nine holes.  They are leaving for home on Tuesday, so it was fun to spend some time with them today.  Late this afternoon Tom and Pam stopped in for a visit and to say good-bye.  They are also leaving Tuesday and heading back to Minnesota.  The number of Winter Texans has dwindled down and now there are just a few of us left. We are tentatively heading north two weeks from today.  John and I will soon start attacking the list of things to do to close up our house for the summer.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

More Computer Woes but Plenty of Sunshine

When my laptop went down last week, the problem was a virus, so the company sent me new software for them to install.  It arrived on Thursday, but I didn't have time to call them and waited until Friday afternoon to get it done.  There was a software conflict and it took them all of Friday afternoon and into mid-morning today to finally get the issue resolved.  Hopefully the laptop is back to normal and I have a strong virus protection installed.

Friday John completed Sam's project, so now he is free to pursue what he wants.  We played nine holes yesterday morning before it got too hot to be out on the course.  The afternoon was spent just vegging out in our cool house and watching some of the TV shows recorded on the DVR.  In the evening John watched the NCAA Basketball Tournament while I went to Bingo.

This morning was nice and cool and made our walk very enjoyable. We can tell spring is definitely here as the Toms were strutting their stuff on the golf course and the Mountain Laurel is blooming everywhere.  The deer were also around and enjoying a meal on the 14th tee.

John and I played golf mid-morning as today was the end of the month scramble and we had to be off the course by 1 p.m.  After a lunch from Subway, he went to the driving range while I did some end-of-the-month finances.  Once the scamble was over, we went out and played a few more holes.  The weather was just perfect--low humidity, nice breeze, and plenty of sunshine.  We are dreading heading north into the cold weather and snow.  Hopefully it will be mostly gone in two weeks.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rain and Then Sun

Wednesday morning started off with a heavy mist, so we skipped our morning walk.  About an hour later it stopped, so John headed down to the clubhouse for mens' golf.  Only four guys showed up--John B., Tim, Dean, and John.  The weather was cool and windy, so that scared off many of the men.  Late in the afternoon, the rains started in earnest and continued overnight.  Last week Chuck and Lois Endris invited us for Wednesday night supper.  They served a delicious spaghetti meal and we spent an enjoyable evening visiting with them.

Since it was still raining a little this morning, we once again skipped our walk.  John decided to head over to Sam's and put the finishing touches on the remodeling project while I did some more packing and sorting.  At first we thought couples' golf would be canceled, but it cleared off just in time to play.  We were paired with Debbie and Dell and since we all had trouble with our chip shots, finished out of the running for any prize money.  Tim and Mary Ellen headed north today and several other friends will be heading out on Saturday.  It's hard to see everyone leaving but there's still a few of us left until mid-April.    


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

More Cool Weather

This Monday was the last meeting of the wood carvers for this winter.  John said there was a pretty good crowd even though some of the guys have headed out.  They will begin meeting again next December in the RV park kitchen area. 

I made a roast pork meal for lunch as I'm trying to get some of freezer items used up before we leave.  After eating, John headed over to Sam's place to prepare the floor for tiling.  I did some cleaning in the shed and put several items we didn't need out on the curb where someone will usually pick up the items before the trash truck comes along.  Monday is trash day and it's a good one for getting rid of items no longer wanted or needed.  

Today we thought the weather would be warmer and sunny, but instead the sky remained cloudy with a cool breeze.  John spent the morning over at Sam's getting the tile down onthe floor.  I took care of getting our finances up-to-date and started packing the winter clothes we brought down.  The temps are suppose to be in the 80's for the next ten days, so I don't think we'll need long sleeves.  We met up with John B. for nine holes this afternoon and this evening headed over to the RV park for potluck and cards.  The crowd is thinning out as a few more folks have hit the road for home.  Next week will be the final potluck for this season.  It's always sad when the activities come to an end and our friends start going their separate ways.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cool and Cloudy Sunday

Today our weather turned cold and windy again with the highest temp of the day occurring when we left the house for our morning walk.  The temps dropped all day and with the strong breeze, it felt quite chilly.

Following the morning church service, Sam and Lita invited us out for lunch where we all enjoyed a delicious meal and good conversation.  After our lunch, John and I took a quick run into Del Rio to pick up some fresh produce and a few other grocery items needed to carry us over the next few weeks.  We are trying to keep our purchases to a minimum as we clear out the fridge and cabinets for the summer.

When we returned home, John and I watched a little of the NCAA basketball tournament and then went over to the RV park for movie night.  There was a good crowd this evening and everyone seemed to enjoy the show.  It was a little sad afterward as we said good-bye to Paul and Melinda who are pulling out tomorrow morning.  Jim and Kathy will be following them on Tuesday.  We've had a lot of fun with these folks this winter and we're sorry to see them leave.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Warm Weather

Our weather has been cloudy in the mornings but by noon the skies clear off and the temps begin to rise.  Spring has truly arrived here in southwest Texas.  The Mountain Laurel is in full bloom and the hummingbirds have begun to arrive as the migrate north.

Friday morning we played golf with Paul and John B.  It was a tough round for all of us and I think we were glad when we reached the 18 hole and could be done for the day.  After supper, I picked Jeannie up for Bingo.  We had the luckey table that night with five winners in the big money.

This morning was the final RV breakfast for the year and the guys served 98 people.  Along with the regular breakfast items, they also offered ham and potatoes left over from the progressive dinner.  Everything was delicious.  We'll sure miss this fun activity.  Paul told everyone they would reopen in eight months.

John spent some of his morning over at Sam's finishing up a major portion of the painting.  We also spent some time out in our shed looking over our containers and doing a little organizing so we would have room to store our outdoor furniture for the summer.  We plan to head north in about three weeks, so it time to think about getting the house ready for the summer.  

Around 2 p.m. we met up with Paul and John B. for one last final round of golf with Paul as he and Melinda will be pulling out on Monday.  John and I will miss our golfing buddy.  We all played much better today, so we ended up on a good note.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Computer Fixed!!

I found an online repair service yesterday and contacted them about the laptop.  It seems we had a bad virus and several other issues which took them about six hours to clear up and now my laptop is running like new.

Yesterday was men's golf, but only eight guys showed up to play.  John said everyone had a good round and a lot of fun.  I joined up with Paul and John on the 10th hole and played the back nine with them.  Wednesday evening was our only free evening this week and it felt good just to stay home and relax.  John did manage to get the sealer on the deck, so that's one more job done before we head home.

Today was couples' golf in the afternoon, so this morning John headed over to Sam's place and did all the edging in preparation for painting.  When he returned home, we ate a quick lunch and took off for the clubhouse.  We were paired with Dee and Jerry Smith and tied for second with two other teams.  We shot four under par.  

This evening was wood carvers.  I was invited to play cards with several of the ladies while our husbands were carving, so John dropped me off at Lois Endris' house and then contined down the street to Wallace's place.  Everyone seems intent on crowding in as much fun as possible since folks will begin pulling out next week and starting the long trek home.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Computer Troubles

I wasn't able to post for the last couple of days due to some computer glitch on my laptop.  I can't figure out what has happened, but my browser won't let me onto any web sites.  I think I have found a way to work around the issue until I can find a computer repair person here in the area.

Monday was a beautiful day, but no golfing as the course was closed.  John went to wood carvers as usual while I did laundry and some straightening up around our little house.  That evening about 40 of the wood carvers and their spouses met up at the clubhouse for an appreciation dinner honoring Wallace and Becky Inge.  Wallace had decided to step back from leading the wood carving group and this dinner was their way of thanking him for all of the time he has spent teaching carving and letting the group meet at his home. 

Tuesday morning was golf.  Kathy and I were the only walkers so we moved through the nine holes pretty quickly.  We started on the third tee and when we ended up on the second, we met up with John and Paul.  They asked if we wanted to play the back nine, but while Kathy declined, I said I would play.  I had a pretty good round considering I don't play the back very often.  John and I got home in plenty of time for me to make a casserole for the potluck supper.  While I was working on that, John started putting a new coat of sealer on the wooden swing and chair on our deck.  He is also going to redo the decking when he gets a cloudy day. 

Our numbers were down for the supper as some folks were away; however, there were enough for three tables of "31".  I made it to the final round for both of my games, but lost.  John did the same, but won one of his games.  He has finally broken his losing streak. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Busy Day To End Busy Weekend

Strong winds arrived overnight which presented quite a challenge for the golfers on this second day of the tournament.  John and I were glad we worked yesterday and were able to attend church and the potluck meal following the service this morning.

John had some tile to return to Home Depot and also needed to get some paint for the next stage of the remodeling job he's doing, so we hit the road to Del Rio this afternoon.  This week is filling up with activities, so we felt this was the best time to take care of this chore.  We were almost back to the fort when John B. called and asked if we wanted to play a quick nine holes.  Of course we said "Yes".  The winds were still pretty strong and that made playing a little difficult, but it also aided in a few long drives. 

This evening was movie night at the RV park, so right after golf we headed over there and watched "Seven Days In Utopia".  We ended our day watching a little TV before heading off to bed.  This week promises to be another busy one.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Keeping Busy

Wednesday saw very high winds in our area--30 mph with some higher gusts.  John played golf that morning, but said it was a real challenge. While he was gone, I headed into town for a haircut and took care of some errands.  

The winds died down a little on Thursday and we played couples' golf in the afternoon.  John and I were paired with our neighbors down the road from us--Norm and Barb.  We ended up with par for the day and out of the winner's circle.   In his spare time John has been working over at Sam's trying to get the remodeling project complete.  He still has quite a bit to do, but it's well in hand.

This weekend is the annual Las Moras Golf Tournament here on the fort, so there is no golfing for us.  This morning we ate breakfast over at the RV park and when we got home, I got started on a dessert for tomorrow's potluck at the church.  I also made a pasta salad for this evening's get together at Paul's.   Around noon John and I headed out to watch some of the tournament before going to the 18th hole where we were scheduled to work.  I stayed by the tee giving instructions for the hole while John was at the green to make sure each team putted their ball and got it in the hole.  We had to wait quite a while for the teams to get to us, so it was rather a boring afternoon.  We ended the evening over at Paul's place in the RV park along with about 20 other folks.  He provided hamburgers and fried chicken and everyone brought a dish to share.  We had a fun evening and a chance to meet some new folks from Canada who are in the midst of buying a place here on the fort.

The 18th fairway 
Mountain Laurel blooming by the 18th tee

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Busy Day

Today started off on the cloudy and cool side, but by mid-morning the skies cleared and we had a beautiful day.

John left right after breakfast to meet up with Paul for a round of golf and I met up with Kathy and Ginny an hour later for nine holes.  When we returned home, John and I grabbed a quick lunch and then headed over to the RV park to get in line for the progressive supper.  You lined up according to what you were bringing for the meal--we had dessert, so we were at the back of the line.  The meal consisted of appetizer, salad, main course, and dessert.  Each course was eaten at a different location on the fort.  While we all enjoyed our desserts, we were entertained by a country western singer.  Everyone had plenty to eat and enjoyed a great time.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Couple of Cold, Rainy Days

We've had cold, rainy weather since Saturday morning and that has pretty much curtailed our outdoor activities.  Sunday morning we went to church and then had lunch with Tim and Mary Ellen at the clubhouse restaurant.  John and I made a quick stop home and then headed into Del Rio to do some much needed grocery shopping.  With both of us under the weather the past two weeks, we didn't get out much and didn't feel much like hitting the stores.  We restocked the pantry and filled the gas tank before heading back to the fort.  The rest of the day was spent relaxing in front of the TV.

The rains continued over night and today was another cold and cloudy one.  John headed off to wood carvers after breakfast and I decided it was a good day to start cleaning out the kitchen cabinets in preparation for heading north next month.  This afternoon John did some more work on Sam's project while I did some baking.  Hopefully the weather will clear and we'll have a good day for lady's golf and the progressive dinner tomorrow.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cooler Weather

John and I had a pretty quiet Friday.  We met up with Paul and John B. for a round of golf and then spent the rest of the day resting and not doing much.  Today was cool with rain.  We went to the RV park for the Saturday morning breakfast and then took a walk around the golf course where we spent some time looking for balls the guys had lost the previous day.  John found five balls, but none that belonged to them.

This weekend was the annual Fort Clark Festival, so once we got cleaned up, we headed down to the front of the fort where all the activities were being held.  John and I walked through the arts and crafts exhibits and then spent some time down in the living history area talking to Allison about spinning wool.  We certainly learned a lot about the process.  The light rain continued so we decided to head across the highway to the post office and then stopped in at Burger and Shake for some lunch.  When we were finished, the temps were beginning to drop, so we decided to call it a day and head back to the house.    

Following a short nap, John went over to the driving range to get in a little practice.  The early part of our evening was spent listening to the Clearbrook/Gonvick girls team win their second playoff game.  They play for the sub-sectional title on Tuesday night.  The game sure was exciting and they won by four points.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

More Golfing

John was up bright and early for his morning walk--I am still not joining him as the steroids I am taking right now keep me from getting a good night's rest, so I am trying to sleep in a little later in the mornings.  Only have to take them for two more days, thank goodness.

Right after breakfast John headed over to Sam L.'s to do some more work his remodeling project.  I finished up the laundry and worked on the finances while he was gone.  This afternoon was couples' golf, so we headed down to the clubhouse as soon as we finished lunch.  We played with Larry F. and Halena M. and, unfortunately, we all played poorly.  It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside, so that helped ease the pain of poor playing.

When we got back home, we made a quick supper of hamburgers and then John went to wood carvers for an hour or so before returning home to listen to Hanna's basketball game on the computer.  The girls won their first playoff game by 25 points.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Another Beautiful Day and More Golfing

The nice weather continued today with the afternoon temps reaching into the 70's.  This morning was men's golf, so after breakfast, John headed down to the clubhouse to meet up with the fellows who were going to play.  John's team did real well with a score of five under par.  

While John was golfing, I did a little laundry and some straightening up around the house.  Mary Ellen then picked me up after lunch and we met up with Ginny for nine holes.  We ran into John as he was finishing up so he played the last couple of holes with us.  I had a craving for some pizza, so at supper time we headed into town and ordered one.  While it was being made, we stopped at the post office and then got the car washed.  Supper was followed by a quiet evening watching "Survivor" and a couple of other favorite shows.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Nice Day and A Game of Golf

The cold weather of the past couple of days finally warmed up just in time for the ladies to play some golf.  Mary Ellen called this morning and asked if I wanted to play--we would be using golf carts instead of walking.  I said yes, so she came over and picked me up and off we went to the clubhouse where we met up with Ginny and Kathy.   It was a perfect morning for golf and I played pretty good considering I had been off for over two weeks.  It sure felt nice to be outside and get some much needed exercise.  While I was off with the ladies, John played 18 holes with Mark L.  They caught up with us on the sixth hole, so we let them go through as they were playing pretty fast and we didn't want to hold them up.

There is usually a potluck at the RV park on Tuesday evenings, but tonight's was cancelled so those who wanted could go to a pancake supper at one of the local churches.  Our RV crowd was very well represented at the feed.  After eating, we headed back over to the park and played "31".  Following a layoff of a couple of weeks, I managed to outlast Bob P. and win the first game.  John was a two time loser again.

Monday, March 3, 2014

On The Mend!

Things have been pretty quiet for us as I recover from my bout of bronchitis.  This weekend we stuck pretty close to home as I still don't feel 100% yet.  John played golf a couple of times while I have been doing quite a bit of reading and watching some of the TV shows we recorded over the past month or so.  

 Today we were suppose to attend a progressive dinner and golf cart parade, but the weather caused a postponement as the temps only reached into the mid forties.  I'm glad the dinner is rescheduled for next Tuesday when it's suppose to be much warmer.  John headed off to wood carvers this morning, and after lunch we went to Del Rio's Home Depot so he could pick up some wood and other supplies for a job he's doing for Sam L.  Hopefully I can keep improving, shake this cough, and get out on the golf course again real soon. 

Roofing Being Done Everywhere!!

John and I have been keeping pretty busy over these last several weeks.  Our weather has turned quite warm, but the nights cool down very ni...