Our beautiful weather continued today with the temps reaching into the 80's in the afternoon. There was a nice breeze all day which made it very comfortable to be outside.
John and I took our usual walking route around the golf course and saw more turkeys on the fairways. I was able to get a little closer for some photos today. John also spent some time looking for a ball he lost the other day. He finally managed to find it.
The golf course is nice and green now especially with the Mesquite trees starting to leaf out. Below is a photo of the 11th hole. I drove the green here for the first time last week. I tee off from the red markers.

Today was the fifth Sunday in March and that meant a music program for the church service. We enjoyed several special numbers as well as singing some favorite hymns. After the service, we met up with Lloyd and Ginny at Burger and Shake for some lunch. Since it was such a beautiful afternoon, we decided to play a round of nine holes. They are leaving for home on Tuesday, so it was fun to spend some time with them today. Late this afternoon Tom and Pam stopped in for a visit and to say good-bye. They are also leaving Tuesday and heading back to Minnesota. The number of Winter Texans has dwindled down and now there are just a few of us left. We are tentatively heading north two weeks from today. John and I will soon start attacking the list of things to do to close up our house for the summer.
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