Thursday, August 21, 2014

Relish Today

It was our intent to play golf this morning, but the weather didn't co-operate.  The sky was overcast and the forecast called for thunderstorms, so we thought it best not to venture out to the course.

Instead of golfing, John did some more cutting, splitting, and stacking of firewood while I did some cleaning and laundry.   The garden finally yielded enough cucumbers, onions, and peppers for us to make our first batch of relish.  It took quite a bit of chopping from both of us, but we finally got enough ingredients for seven jars.  It was a unanimous decision to invest in a food processor as our hands are just too arthritic to be pounding on a food chopper.  The new gadget should be here before we have enough produce from the garden to make more relish.

Update from Wyoming--Caleb saw the orthopedic surgeon today and is now wearing a big, black air cast on his foot.  He will be on crutches for at least the next three weeks and hopefully back to normal in about six or seven.  At least he won't have to unload the dishwasher for a long time.

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