Since we finally got a whole day without rain, the lawn mowing crew came over this afternoon. Sara, Sam, Hanna, and Rachel arrived after lunch to attack the jungle that is our grass. Sara used a push mower while Sam mowed using the ride-on. Hanna and Rachel walked around making sure everything was picked up before mowing began. The girls then came inside to give me a hand. I still can't lift or bend over very well, so they did some straightening up inside, helped get clothes put away, gathered up the laundry, and started a load of towels. They made sure the baskets and remaining laundry were up high enough for me so I wouldn't have to bend way over to reach things. They are such good workers and helpers--really take care of me.
Sam and Sara did a great job on the lawn. John was able to be outside and give Sam some direction on the easiest way to mow. However, there was a little miss communication when it came to mowing along the stone parking wall. Sam misjudged the distance and took out a few bricks. The rule is if you break it, you fix it. Sam fixed the wall.

After the mowing was finished, everyone came inside to visit for a bit before heading back home. Both John and I are improving more each day and hope to be able to start taking short walks in a day or two. Life is slowly returning to normal more every day.
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