Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We woke to cloudy skies and cooler temps this morning which made for very pleasant walking conditions. The clouds actually helped to cut down on some of the flying insects. Before walking, we have to spray ourselves with plenty of Off to ward off the mosquitoes and flies.

The grandkids
were playing baseball again this morning, so right after breakfast John headed up to Clearbrook to watch some of their games. Hanna's team won both of their games, while the other kids split with a win and a loss.

Hanna on Base

Rachel at bat

Josh on base

Sam at bat

After lunch Matt, Hanna, and Rachel came back down to our place where Matt finished working up the ground and then planted soybeans. Hanna drove the four wheeler while Matt sat on the front and hand broad casted the seeds.

While John was at the baseball games, I spent the morning cleaning up our home office, updating finances and paying bills. Actually, that took most of the day. I just got everything done when it was time to head off to Weight Watchers. John ended the day watering the garden and doing some grass cutting. We spent a quiet evening watching "America's Got Talent."

A little note to Darlene - we can read your comments. We enjoy hearing from you!

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