Sunday, October 10, 2010

John was feeling slightly better this morning and wanted us to get back into our routine, so we took our usual walk. The morning was clear and fairly warm--60 degrees. We met our neighbors, Dave and Sheila Otting, along the road. They were busy cutting some brush by a pasture gate to clear the access to the field for loading and hauling their cattle back to the home place. They told us they have a calf missing. Seems like something spooked the cattle and caused them to break through the fence and one of the calves wandered off. They hope it wandered into another pasture with some other cattle.

We didn't attend church this morning as John still didn't feel 100 percent and didn't want to give his cold to others. He spent a little time outside on the lawn mower gathering leaves and getting the yard cleaned up and then came back inside to watch the Sunday football games. I managed to get the suitcases unpacked and at least one load of laundry done. The evening was spent watching both Sunday night football and the Phillies game.

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