Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our day was pretty much just like yesterday, even the weather was the same--cloudy skies for most of the day, but by the evening the clouds broke up and we had some nice sunshine. John worked in the shop for the morning and then after lunch headed up to Matt's to cut some firewood and then hauled a truck load back home. Our wood pile was pretty much depleted over this past winter, so there will be many trips to get the wood to our place.

The beginning of this year's firewood pile

Today I worked in the office taking care of finances and then washed and put away some winter jackets and coats. After supper we were able to take a walk down the road--it sure felt good to get outside in the fresh air. When we got back to the house I grabbed my camera and took a few photos of the wild plum tress that are blooming by the garden.

We spent the evening watching the finale of The Biggest Loser and The Voice. There is a freeze warning for tonight, so John put the tomato plants back into the garage. He had them sitting outside so they could be watered by the rain.

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