After breakfast, John worked down in the shop for several hours. While he was busy with that, I tackled a week's worth of laundry and got the rest of the screens up from the basement so I could get them cleaned and ready to put up. Joanne came to work to help with staining and brought the kids. One of the jobs on our list was to take out some of the older raspberry bushes. Josh, Jenni, and Julie were eager to help--as John pulled the bushes, they hauled them to the trash trailer. It didn't take long to get that job done.

While walking down by our pond, we saw a duck sitting on a nest. We're hoping that in a little while we'll have a nice little duck family for the kids to see. When Jo and the kids left, it was past lunch time, so John and I stop for a quick bite before washing the windows on the back of the house and putting up the screens. There are only the windows on the front and west side left to do.

John had worked on the riding lawn mower over the weekend and got it ready to go--today was the start of the mowing. The grass has been growing very fast so he had to get started on it before it got out of hand. He was able to get behind the house finished by supper time. There's still quite a bit left to mow. After a busy day, we just relaxed this evening with some wildlife shows on the TV.
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