We were planning to use the same garbage disposal with the new sink, but John found a problem with it and decided we needed a new one. We have to get our kitchen back together after the counter tops are installed tomorrow morning, so we made a trip to Home Depot for a new disposal. While we were there, we looked at more tiles for the back splash. Before heading back home, we decided to stop at Menards to look at their assortment of tiles. While there, we found a nice sofa on sale. John was going to go home, get the pickup truck, and come right back to Bemidji to haul it home. While we were talking with the salesman, a friend of ours stopped to talk and when he learned of our predicament, offered to haul the sofa to our place in his truck. All the kitchen drawers and everything from the cabinets are sitting on the living room floor, so the new sofa is now parked out in the garage. Tomorrow we will hopefully get our kitchen put back together with the sink and water back in service.

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