Saturday, August 20, 2011

John went up to Matt's early this morning where he helped John split the wood that had been cut up yesterday. John then hauled a load back home and put it in the woodshed. The guys got the whole pile split, so now it only has to be hauled home. There's another large pile of wood to be cut and split, but John thinks he will take a little break from wood and go back to it when the weather cools down.

John picked beans yesterday, so this morning I got them cut up and ready for freezing. I also sold a doll on ebay and got that ready to be shipped.

This afternoon we finally got the new microwave installed and then laid out the tile pattern for the back splash. Right now we have to walk very carefully in the living room so we don't mess up John's tile pattern.

Now to read the instruction book

We need to watch our step until this can get up on the walls

In between our different chores, we managed to watch quite of bit of the Little League World Series. We are rooting for Pennsylvania.

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