As I mentioned in an earlier post, we sold all three trailers, so the entire day Saturday was devoted to getting them emptied. We made three piles--burn, to go to the dump, and sell. Very little was kept. Matt came over and spent the morning helping us get this gigantic job done. I'm glad to say by the end of Saturday, they were 90% empty. Also, on Friday morning we got a call from one of our neighbors who was interested in our pickup truck. He came and looked it over and decided it was exactly what he was looking for so now our old truck is gone.
Our piles of trash and junk
We received another call Saturday from a gentleman who owns a cabinet shop in a town about 45 minutes north of us. He said he was interested in one of our machines and could he come out Sunday afternoon and look it over. Since the sale is fast approaching, we worked all day Sunday pricing items. Matt, Sam, and Hanna came down to unload the remaining big pieces of wood off the trailer and got all the trash loaded into our little trailer so it's ready for the dump. While we were in the shop, the two guys from the cabinet shop arrived and John and I spent the next four hours showing them the machinery and different items we have for sale. They ended up buying a piece of machinery, just about all the wood panels, drying racks, carts, and much, much more. They will be back this week to pick up everything they bought. John and I spent this morning (Monday) moving their items to the loading area and then had to re-arrange things to fill in the gaps left by the items they are taking. The rest of the day was spent pricing. We only have one more shelf full of hardware to price and then some bigger items. Then we will be done. Next we just need to tweak a few things, get signs up, and figure out the traffic flow on the driveway. After four months of preparations, we are just about ready for the big day. Here are a few photos of our finished project.
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