We had more snow overnight with temps in the upper 20's and some strong breezes. John was very glad he decided not to hunt this year. He had just steeped into the shower this morning when Matt called saying Hanna shot a deer and might need some help as he was hunting on a different portion of land with Sam and Rachel. John called Hanna and she said she was just getting down out of her stand, was going to try and find a blood trail, and would call him back. Thirty minutes later she called, said she found the deer, and needed his help. John asked her if she gutted the animal and she said, "No, I'm waiting for you." Grandfathers do come in handy at times. John bundled up and drove to Matt's place where he found Hanna and Sara at the edge of the woods with the deer. After taking a couple of photos, John gutted the deer and helped them get it to the garage where they hung it up. The rest of the family didn't have any luck today.

JD bought a plow for his four wheeler and needed some assistance getting it installed. He brought the four wheeler and plow down to the shop and John, JD, and Josh spent a good portion of the day getting it hooked up. They also spent sometime up in the house eating the chocolate cookies I made last night and when the job went longer than anticipated, stayed for lunch before heading back to the shop to finish the job.
The new plow is ready to go. As I've mentioned
before, you can see the shop is now a storage spot for
lawn mowers, etc.
We started the day thinking it would be a pretty quiet one with not much to do since it snowed off and on and was pretty miserable to be outside. Just shows you never know what each day will bring.
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