Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Security System

Yesterday was a pretty quiet one.  John and I were up bright and early to head off to Bemidji so I could get a fasting blood test.  That took all of 10 minuets and then we went to Country kitchen for some breakfast.  Next, we made a short stop at Wal Mart for a few items before heading home.  The rest of the day John helped Matt cut down some trees while I did some cleaning upstairs and got things out of the way in preparation for today.

The security person arrived around 9:30 a.m. and was here most of the day installing our new system.  We now have one that detects motion, alerts us to any open door, and if the temperature in the house goes below 45 degrees.  If we don't respond to the alarm, a security company will notify us and, if that's not possible, contact the authorities.  We think this will give us some peace of mind about the house while we're in Texas.  Now we just need to remember to set it when we go out and how to disarm it when we return.  John was in and out of the shop this morning doing more arranging and then headed into town for his dental appointment to get a cracked filling replaced.  He's now done with the dentist.  The rest of our day was spent relaxing and watching some favorite TV shows.


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