Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Taste of Winter Weather

Our weather is definitely turning toward winter.  This time of year our temps are rather erratic--one day up near 70 degrees and then snow flurries a couple of days later.  The colder weather has finally decided to stay for good--won't see 60's again until sometime next spring.  But as we are heading south very soon, it won't make much difference to us.

Our first dusting of snow earlier this week

John and Matt got one of their big addition jobs completed on Thursday and were able to take off on Friday.  John appreciated that as he was getting a little weary of working everyday.  We took the advantage of an off day and did some shopping in Bemidji.  I see the foot doctor next Friday and, hopefully, will be released from wearing the boot.  The only problem will be what shoe can I wear.  My foot is still painful at times at the incision site and also still swells.  I contacted the doctor about that earlier in the week and was told that was quite normal this soon after surgery (it's be five weeks).  I think getting back to normal is going to be a lot longer than I first thought it would be.  I talked to a lady in the store and she told me it was six months before she could get back into her regular shoes.  What I have read on the internet supports what she told me.  John and I went on a search for some possible footwear.  We saw one pair of slip-on cloth shoes that might work, but right now I leaning toward a pair of Crocs.  Mainly, I have to wait and see what the doctor recommends and if I will have to keep my foot wrapped with the ACE bandage.  

If the doctor gives the go ahead, we are planning to head out on Sunday, November 9th, and will worry about shoes after we get to Texas or try to find something on our way south.  I have been busy getting clothes packed along with keeping up with laundry and sorting through other items to pack.

It's been bow hunting season here in Minnesota and Hanna shot her first deer with bow and arrow this week.  Both Rachel and Hanna are now done with hunting, so now it's up to the guys to get their tags filled.  Rifle season starts next Saturday morning and that usually means pretty cold weather.



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