Today dawned cloudy and cool with showers forecast for later in the day, so we got up and out nice and early for our walk. Lois Carlson and I headed off to Del Rio for our Weight Watchers meeting and also did some quick shopping at Wal Mart. While I was gone, John headed over to the condo's to do some more work on an old wagon wheel mounted in the condo yard. The post holding the wheel was cracked, so John repaired that and today he got everything sanded and ready for a new coat of paint.
After lunch John headed over to the driving range to pursue one of his favorite things to do--look for golf balls. About a half an hour later he returned with about 14 balls which he scrubbed up and added to his five gallon bucket of balls. We then headed into town to the post office, library, and for me to get a hair cut.
This evening we had a group of Axis deer come into our yard to snack on the corn John puts out each day. Tonight a big buck came--it is unusual to see the big Axis bucks come while it is still light. It was quite a thrill to watch him.
Great picture of the deer mom! The boys all thought it was cool.