Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today the weather was just about perfect--bright sun, clear blue sky, and no wind. John and I walked to the highway this morning. The round trip is two miles with several steep hills. Our surgically repaired knees felt good--no major aches or pains. As long as we are pain free, we plan to continue to walk the hills and get a little more cardio workout.

After breakfast, John headed off to help Matt finish up a job he was working on. They finished up a deck, installed railings, and then hung a new storm door. The guys were gone all day.

While John was working, I tackled the job of unpacking. I spent most of the morning sorting through the clothes, deciding what could be put away for next fall and what to leave out for the summer. There were also several loads of laundry to be done before some items could be stored away. This afternoon I paid some bills and then worked on sorting through all the "junk" mail that had accumulated while we were gone. John and I have enough magazine reading material to last a month or more.

Before we left Texas, I went online to the Weight Watchers site and found that a WW had started in our town. The meeting was at 5:30 p.m. so I had to get supper semi-ready before I left. If John got home before I did, he could start cooking and we wouldn't have to be eating late in the evening. I don't know what I expected at the meeting, but I couldn't believe how many people were there--over 40 women. I spotted a couple of familiar faces--hopefully next week I will get a chance to visit with them.

I noticed that our apricot tree is starting to bloom. I hope to get outside in the next day or so with my camera and take some photos. We ended the evening watching the Phillies beat the Atlanta Braves.

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