Monday morning means wood carvers, so after breakfast John gathered up his wood carving bag and headed over to John Carlson's place where they are meeting while Wallace and Becky are away. John said there were only seven carvers today--most of them have left for the summer. Thursday evening will be John's last time this spring. He finished up the Santa face he had started--this is his first attempt at doing a face. I think he did an outstanding job. He has decided not to paint this face but to put linseed oil on it--this will seal the wood to keep it from getting dirty and to preserve it.

When lunch was done, John headed once again to Metcalf's to do one last little job. After getting that finished, he went into town to use friend Jack's table saw to cut the wood needed to make a little shelf for our neighbor, Rose. Now there is only one project left to finish--Sam's door. Hopefully he will get that out of the way tomorrow morning so he can concentrate on getting jobs done around here--like storing the outdoor furniture, getting the golf cart ready for storage, and generally putting everything away for the summer months while we are gone.
While John was off doing all his many projects, I did laundry and started packing up clothes and emptying some drawers. Closer to leaving, we will get leftover food stuff ready to either stay here or pack up to take home. Stan stopped over after supper to drop off the Kinney County paper and stayed to visit for a bit. We then took another walk as the sun was trying to shine from behind the clouds--it turned out to be a nice evening. We settled in and watched a movie to end our night.
That's awesome Dad!! What a great job!