John headed off for the day to help Matt with a small interior job and I went up to Matt's house to get a haircut from Sara who has her own hair salon. The mattress was supposed to be delivered between eleven a.m. and noon, so I had to cut short my visiting with Sara. While waiting for the delivery, I organized some drawers and the bedroom closet--found a couple articles of clothing that I had been looking for since we returned home. The morning passed, lunch time came and went, and still no mattress. I had visions of sleeping on the floor tonight. Finally, at 2:30 p.m. it arrived. The delivery guys got it up the stairs and on the box spring in less than five minutes. We are looking forward to a comfortable night's sleep for a change.
John got home earlier than expected, so I was able to fill him in on the mattress delivery before I headed off to Weight Watchers. There were 42 women at the meeting this evening. Saw a couple of familiar faces again and was able to visit with some of them this evening.
Following a quick supper, we spent the evening watching NBA playoffs and catching up on emails and blogs.

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