Since the weather was so cold and windy, we decided to head to Del Rio and Home Depot where John needed to exchange some spray paint--he had picked up the wrong color for painting Sam's door. From Home Depot we went to Burger King and then to HEB for some fresh vegetables and fruit. After we got home, we spent much of the afternoon watching college basketball TV and the golfers playing in the tournament drive by the house. They were all bundled up in winter coats and hats. Don't know how they could swing a golf club with such big, bulky coats on. I think it must have been very difficult playing in such high winds. The tournament ends up tomorrow afternoon.
After supper John took a quick walk on the golf course. He thought there would be plenty of lost balls because of the wind today. He only found a couple--said these players must be pretty good to stay in bounds on such a day. He also took a walk in the brush area by our house and found another deer shed. John was excited about this find as it was the mate to the shed he had picked up last week.

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