Today was John's day to finish up all the little jobs he had lined up. First he went over to Dee and Jerry's and fixed their plumbing problem. From there he went to Metcalf's and finished hanging the shelves they wanted, and lastly, over to Sam Lark's to finish up with his little job. As tonight was the RV potluck, I prepared a hot dish to take and continued catching up with the laundry.
Tim and Mary Ellen stopped to pick us up for the ride over to the RV park. There was a smaller group tonight as many of the regulars were absent. However, there was quite a new group of people from Minnesota, including the Nelson's from Clearbrook. After the meal, we played our usual card game of 31. Both John and I were among the winnners this evening. This was my 4th win this year and John's first. Tim was also a winner tonight--his 1st of this year. It was a very happy ride home. We ended up the evening with a little TV before heading off to bed.
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