After breakfast, John went to the post office and then stopped in Unit 37 to visit with Ralph Ramsey. Ralph was glad to have company as the weather has been keeping him house bound and he was getting bored. John then dropped in on Dave and Valada and found that their heat pump was fixed and they now have a toasty, warm house.
I spent most of my day doing a few chores around the house, starting a jigsaw puzzle, and reading my Kindle. While I worked the puzzle, John did some wood carving. He is doing another face and it is starting to take shape.

This weekend is the Kinney County Livestock show here in Brackettville, so this afternoon we headed into town and watched some of the livestock judging. Goats were a big part of the show and it was interesting to watch the judging of the different classes. This evening Tim and Marry Ellen invited us and Ginny and Lloyd Johns over to their condo for dinner and a game of Hand and Foot. Mary Ellen served a delicious ham along with a salad, pineapple, and carrots. She is a very good cook. After we finished eating Mary Ellen showed us a power point program she did of their trip to England this summer and then the ladies beat the men quite handily in the card game.
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