After breakfast John worked down in the shop--still not quite finished with JD's list of things to do. Sam, Hanna, and Rachel have been attending a basketball camp this week and today was their final day. John and I went up to the school to watch them play some games and attend their award's ceremony. Awards were given for most free throws completed, three point shots, one on one competitions, etc. They all played real well and received some awards for their different age groups. Hanna received several awards including Most Valuable Player for her age group. It was lunch time when we left the school, so we stopped at the drive-in for a hamburger before heading home.

This afternoon John mowed some more grass--he's trying to get it all cut and trimmed before we leave for our trip. I got a new camera and spent some time reading the directions and trying to figure out how it works. I think it's going to take a while for me to get the hang of using it. Following supper, John went up to Sara's to get a haircut and then played some basketball with Sam. The rest of the evening was spent watching a movie and the news
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