As soon as Matt and Sam arrived they started pulling up the carpeting in the kitchen. I thought it would take a lot of time, but it came up very easily and didn't leave much glue on the sub-flooring.

Sam and John removing the carpeting
Next, Matt figured out how to start laying the new flooring and the guys got started putting it down.

Matt making sure the first boards are
laid straight

Figuring out the last part of the floor

All done--I just love my new floor

Matt making sure the first boards are
laid straight
Once the first boards were in place, the guys were able to keep moving right along with the job. The whole floor was down by late afternoon. We still have to replace the baseboards and a few other pieces of trim, but I want to paint a couple of walls first.

Figuring out the last part of the floor

All done--I just love my new floor
We still have quite a bit of wall paper to tear down and some painting to get done. I want to get at least the pantry wall done so we can put that back in the kitchen. Right now it laying in the middle of the living room and all its contents are on the dining room table and floor. In other words, our house is in a little turmoil right now, but hopefully it will return to some normalcy over the weekend.
Hey Guys - New floor really looks super!! How's that for a nice comment? It really does look good.