Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We had strong thunderstorms with high winds and heavy rains overnight. The humidity and clouds continued to hang around until things cleared off by the afternoon. The warmer weather is returning, but not at the high temps of before. We skipped our walk this morning as it looked like rain and we didn't want to get caught in a storm.

I had a 9 a.m. doctor's appointment in Bemidji, so we had to get on the road pretty early. John dropped me off at the clinic, gassed up the Honda, and then w
ent to Home Depot and LM Fleet to check out lawn mowers. When he met me back at the clinic, he said he had pretty much made up his mind about the one he wanted. Since I hadn't eaten anything because of a fasting blood test, we went to Country Kitchen for breakfast and to discuss mowers. Before heading back to Bagley, we stopped at Home Depot to pick up more paint for the living-room and then made a quick stop at Wal Mart for a few grocery items.

John liked the Club Cadet mowers he looked at, and since they were priced the same everywhere he looked, he decided to buy the mower locally.
After stopping at the post office to pick up some stamps and mail birthday cards, we went to the local dealership and purchased a new mower. They delivered it this afternoon and John gave it a trial run--it's great!!

John's new toy

In the mail today was a letter we had been looking for over several days. We needed to forward it to another party, so I made a trip back Bemidji and the Fed Ex depot. It was getting late in the day and I needed something for supper--Subway seemed like a good idea--so we ate subs and chips for our evening meal.

Since it was such a beautiful night, I grabbed the camera and took a few photos of our garden and John's progress in the garage.

New shelving in the garage. Old kitchen
counter top to be installed in the corner
as a work bench

Grape vines will soon be producing
grapes for juice and jelly

Volunteer sunflower in our garden

1 comment:

  1. Everett said NICE mower! that's the kind he wanted the Zero turn. NICE!


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