John spent his entire day making a raffle bin for Stan Metcalf. His friend, Jack Simpson, has some power tools, so John went over to his shop to cut out some of the parts he needed. I was called upon this afternoon to provide extra hands to help with some of the assembly. My day was spent writing our annual Christmas letter and working on the Christmas cards. Hopefully I will have them ready to be mailed this week. It always feels good to get that holiday job out of the way.
This morning John called to me to come outside and see the tarantula that was sitting in the grass. Now, I'm not one of those people who freaks out over spiders (snakes are another matter), but I must say I approached this one with extreme caution. John wanted me to photograph it, so I used the telephoto lens to get a close up--there was no way I was going near it.

In between writing Christmas letters and building raffle bins, we managed see some of the college championship games. Tonight we watched the Nebraska and Oklahoma.
I showed the boys the picture of the tarantula and Isaiah's comment was "sweet!" That's boys for ya!!