Friday, November 11, 2011

Today the weather was just about perfect for a road trip--sunny skies and warm temps. John and I picked up Isaac a little before 9 a.m. and headed off to Grand Forks, ND. Isaac is spending the weekend visiting with his grandfather, cousins, etc. on his dad's side of the family. We were right on time dropping him off, and after spending a few minutes visiting, we left to do some shopping.

Our first stop was Best Buy to get the laptop checked out. It has been freezing up and showing a blue screen error message that shuts Windows down. After running a couple of diagnostic tests, it was decided the problem is a software one. The tech rem
oved the software for the printer we use in Texas to see if that's the root of the problem. It's an older printer and I had to download a special driver to get it to work with Windows 7. We'll have to look into a printer that's compatible with this operating system once we get back down south.

It was after noon by the time we left Best Buy, so we de
cided to grab a quick lunch at Culver's which was right across the parking lot. Our next stop was Sam's Club to pick up a few things we want to take to Texas and then we headed back across the river to Cabela's. John found a couple of pairs of shorts on the sale rack and couldn't pass them up.

Our final stop of the road trip was DQ where we each go
t a Blizzard. It was the perfect way to end our outing. This evening Matt called and said he shot an eight point buck, so John went up to see it and got a picture.

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