Monday evening. We traveled east on I 80 and then headed north on 189 in Wyoming. The road was very good and not too hilly until we got closer to Jackson. The weather was very warm when we left SLC, but by early afternoon we ran into rain showers and cooler temps. We reached Jackson around 2:00 p.m. I had made room reservations on the internet last night, so we were able to check in and then spend some time looking around town.
Neither John nor I had ever been here before and we were both pleasantly surprised by the size of Jackson and all the many shops and activities that are available. It certainly is a very busy place. After checking in, we found their visitor center and spent the rest of the afternoon talking with the volunteers and lining up our route for tomorrow in the Teton National Park and Yellowstone.
While at the center, John was also able to purchase a life time pass to all national parks. Since we are seniors, it only cost us $10.00--we thought that a pretty good deal. There were some very interesting displays at the center so I posted some photos.

Following supper at Pizza Hut, we did a little grocery shopping so we would have some snacks to take on our travels. We watched a little TV and then called it a night as we have an early wake up call in the morning.
Hope you guys have a great day today seeing the beautiful sights!!