I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish today, however, the day took quite a different turn. Last night John found a deer tick that had burrowed a little into his shoulder. He got the tick off and we put it on a piece of scotch tape. Why did we do that? In case we needed to take it to the doctor to make sure it really was a deer tick. When Matt stopped over this morning, we showed it to him and he said it was a deer tick and that we should check with the doctor's office to see what they thought John should do. I made the call and they said he should come in so they could take a look at both the tick and the bite. Bottom line is we spent the entire afternoon at the doctor's--he could not get in to see our regular physician so he had to go to Urgent Care. Even though you call ahead of time, you still have to wait your turn. The doctor gave him a prescription for two pills that he took as soon as we returned home. That was the extent of the medication. So hopefully there will be no ill affects from the bite. The doctor gave John this tick identification card--he was bitten by a deer tick in the "nymph" stage.

After the rains of today, it was too wet to do anything outside, so we spent a rather quiet evening. John watched the Celtics and Lakers and I started reading the new John Sandford mystery I picked up from the library this afternoon.
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