The rain showers of this morning cleared out, so John went back to picking more strawberries. I spent the morning cleaning and cutting them up and getting them ready for jam. I also made more shortcake and some macaroni salad for this evening's supper.
After lunch we started on the jam. We have a pretty good system--I do the cooking while John gets the jars and lids ready. It only took us about an hour to make two batches of jam. This will give us enough strawberry for the year.

With the jam finished, I got the kitchen cleaned up and did a little picking up around the house. Kit and Jerry arrived about 4:30 p.m. We took them on a little tour around the grounds and then showed them the shop and our house. It was a relaxing and enjoyable time catching up on news from Fort Clark and hearing about their travels. The evening ended all too soon and we had to say good-bye--we'll being seeing them again in the fall. Have a safe trip and a great summer!!

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