Saturday, July 14, 2012

The warm weather and high humidity continued today and is forecast to hang around until the early part of next week.  We managed to get our walk in early this morning before the sun was up.

Right after breakfast John headed up to JD's with the tiller.  They had a large sand pile for the kids when they were younger, and now wanted to get rid of that and replace it with an area for gardening.  Matt had removed most of the sand a while ago, so this morning  John tilled the ground and JD removed the rocks that were turned over.  They then raked and smoothed out the area.  It's ready now for a load of top soil and a border of railway ties.  

New garden spot at JD's place

While John was gone, I baked some bread, did some work on the computer, and took care of a few household chores.  Since the weather was so hot, we spent the afternoon vegging out in the AC and watching a movie.  

This evening JD, Jo, and the kids came down so she could pick more raspberries while he took care of a few things in the shop.  Jenni brought along her camera, so she and I took some more pictures.  When everyone was finished with what they were doing, we all adjourned to the house for watermelon.  

John helping Joanne pick raspberries

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