Friday, April 25, 2014

Out of Town Day

Since today was my birthday, John and I decided to take a road trip to Grand Forks for some shopping.  The snow of yesterday melted and we found the roadways to be clear and dry.  We arrived in town a little before lunch time, so our first stop was Culver's for something to eat. 

Following lunch we shopped at several different stores and slowly crossed the items we were looking for off our list.  Our grandson is getting married in July out in California so I need an outfit for the occassion.  Since the GF mall was nearby, we stopped in there so I could look at what the different stores had in the way of outfits I could use.  I found something I liked in the first store, tried it on, and bought it.  I'll still keep looking, but at least I have something I can wear if I don't find something I like more. 

Our original plan was to stop somewhere nice for supper, but neither of us was hungry enough for a big meal, so we stopped at DQ for some ice cream and will save the special dinner until we celebrate John's birthday next week.  

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