Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Where Did The Warm Weather Go?

So much for warmer weather.  Our day dawned cold and blustery with overcast skies.  Hard to believe we were wearing shorts and tee shirts to the track meet yesterday.

Matt was waiting for a window to arrive to finish up a job the guys did a couple of weeks ago.  Since it wasn't on the first delivery truck, John decided to take advantage of the free time and get the lawn mowers and tiller ready for action.  He put all the batteries back in the equipment and got everything running.  With all the rain and a few day of sunshine, the grass was beginning to look a little shaggy so today was the first grass cutting of the 2014 season.

 Only in northern Minnesota in May can you mow the
lawn wearing a winter coat, hat, and gloves.

Matt called while John was mowing and said the window arrived, so after eating an early lunch, he headed up to give Matt a hand.  It only took several hours to get the job done and then he was back home. 

We have been having quite a few birds at our feeders this spring.    A Bluejay has also been cautiously showing up for some free food.

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