John was out bright and early. He and Matt were working at a nearby farm replacing a door on a big equipment shed. John said it was cold working this morning, but it got a little better in the afternoon. They put in a long day and got the door just about completed. Matt will be able to finish it up by himself.
I had a pleasant surprise when I looked out our bedroom window this morning. Our neighbor had moved some of his cattle into the pasture next to our property. It was fun to watch how they reacted to being in a new place. They walked around the entire fence line before settling in to graze and when they spotted some cattle across the road, they all lined up along the fence to watch each other.

While John was gone today, I finished up the laundry and did some cleaning around the house. We did get a little sun this afternoon which brought birds back to the feeders. I saw a couple of new birds that I had never seen before-- need to dig out my bird book so I can identify them.

John was pretty tired after such a long day, so we spent a quiet evening just vegging out and relaxing.
I hope you get some sunny weather soon. We are the same way down hear. This is supposed to be our last rainy/cloudy day down here. It is supposed to warm up and be sunny over the weekend. Praise the Lord!!