We took our walk nice and early and then John wanted to put Weed and Feed on all the grass while it was still wet with dew. When you come up the road to our house, you might think you are coming to a dandelion farm. There is solid yellow everywhere and not too much green grass. So he loaded up the spreader and got started killing the weeds.

While he was busy with the lawn, I grabbed my camera and took a little walk around the place checking out the flowering wild plums trees down by the garden and the new pine cones forming on the pine trees. It looks like there is going to be quite a crop of pine cones in the fall.

This week John will be very busy working with Matt, so after church we took a quick trip to Bemidji to pick up some tomato, broccoli, and cucumber plants. John wanted to get them in the garden now so they will have a chance to get established before we head out on our trip in a couple of weeks. Hopefully there will be no more frost.
Gopher war update--The gophers renewed their attack down by the shop. John found new mounds and laid his traps, but they out smarted him this morning. He then reset them and now has claimed victory--two more gophers bit the dust. Hopefully, this will make them move away from the buildings and underground electrical cables.
We spent the evening watching the finale of Survivor.
Dad's not becomming obsessed like the guy on Caddyshack is he? Just so he doesn't start trying to blow them out of the ground with some dynamite!!