Since it was still too wet to work outside this morning, John went down to the shop to finish some more assembly. Joanne brought all the kids to the shop this morning, so we had a chance to visit while the kids shredded paper and played.
Matt, Rachel and Hanna dropped in around noon and told us about the Firearm Safety testing Hanna and Sam did today. They had been taking Firearm Safety this week and this morning had their written and shooting tests. Both passed with flying colors. Sara and Sam then left for the airport to catch their flight to Alaska. They are going to her nephew's high school graduation and will return home next Thursday.
This afternoon John decided the grass was dry enough to cut, so he got out the riding lawn mower and got started. The grass down by the pond had gotten very thick from all the moisture and it took a bit longer than normal to get it cut. He still didn't get all it done because there was standing water in some parts. He next cut the grass around the garden and trimmed some dead limbs from the pine trees.

After all the activity of today, we spent the evening watching the movie, Avatar--we both thought it was a pretty good story. Time for bed.
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