Our first stop was see the wood carvers display. Everyone shows different pieces of their work and takes turns staying in the area to answer any questions people might have about the carvings. John displayed his Santa and elf faces and Wallace showed some of the figures he had done.

From the wood carvers, we walked through the living history area where Sam Lark was dressed as a Confederate Cavalryman and told stories about the Civil War and explained the different guns he had on display. We then watched the Sahawe Indian Dancers from Uvalde. This group of young people travel all over the state showing many different Indian dances.

John and I spent some time with the carvers and finished the afternoon listening to some music groups and taking in some more of the living history area.

By 4 p.m. we decided to call it a day since we had been at the festival since 9 a.m. We were getting tired and headed on home where we spent the evening watching some college basketball and just relaxing. So far next week looks to be pretty quiet--not much on the activity schedule.
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